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外国网友看《长安三万里》预告片:等不及想看,希望迪士尼也能做这样的动画!本文译自Youtube,原标题:Chang 'An|Official Trailer - in theaters on July 8th
So FREAKING EXCITED!! I and so incredibly hooked on these movies and I need this one ASAP!! Please let it release on USA theaters at the same time!!太激动了!!我非常喜欢这些电影,我需要能尽快看到它!!请让它在美国影院同步上映!!
I have already watched it. This movie is not suitable for non Chinese viewers because it is all poetry and tells the story of the poet's life,我已经看过了。这部电影不适合非中国观众观看,因为它包含了很多诗歌,讲述的是诗人的生活故事。
@ychxxxxx I love Chinese culture! That’s why I want to see it! Even though I didn’t grow up in China I still know I will enjoy this movie!我喜欢中国文化!这就是我想看它的原因!尽管我不是在中国长大的,但我仍然知道我会喜欢这部电影!
Can't wait for another masterpiece from this company! Last time Yang Jian was a bit disappointing compared to 3 previous projects/movies, hope this will fill that emptiness up.等不及想看这家公司的另一部杰作了!与之前的三部电影相比,《杨戬》上一次的表现有点令人失望,希望这能填补。
I would say Green Snake is the worst out of the others. Yang Jian is at least ok-ish.
Yang Jian was awesome and felt like Cowboy Bebop of ancient chinese mythology. I have seen better movies than it, but it is fun. The god dog swallowing five headed dragon attack was a surprise.杨戬很厉害,感觉就像中国古代神话中的星际牛仔。虽然我看过比它更好的电影,但它很有趣,哮天犬吞下五头龙的攻击是一个惊喜。
I just saw it! This film has shocked the hearts of the Chinese people, and now has a very large number of shows and audiences, becoming a masterpiece of Chinese animation. The only difficulty with this film is the translation.我刚刚看过了!这部电影震撼了中国人民的心,现在它拥有非常大的放映量和非常多的观众,它已经成了中国动画的杰作。(对于海外观众来说)这部电影唯一的难点就是翻译。
An animation based on China Poet God Li Bai, hope it will turn out great, the scene whereby he is reciting one of his most famous poem Bring in the Wine, made me feel the goosebumps这是一部以中国诗仙李白为原型的动画,我希望它很棒,他背诵他最著名的诗歌之一《将进酒》的场景让我起鸡皮疙瘩。
I've watched all your previos films this week and now I'm a diehard fan! Much love from Moscow, Russia ������这周我看完了你们以前所有的电影,现在我成了你们的铁杆粉丝!来自俄罗斯莫斯科的爱。 [爱心][爱心]
Yep, they are all good. I think China now have the best animated movies是的,它们都很棒。我认为中国现在拥有最好的动画电影。
I wish the US made animation like this! It’s a 2.8 hour epic film. If Disney made movies like this, I could actually get excited about their movies again. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for this when it's available with English subtitles.我希望美国也能制作这样的动画!这是一部2.8小时的史诗电影。如果迪士尼拍这样的电影,我真的会再次对它们的电影感到兴奋。同时,当这部电影有英文字幕时,我会留意的。
Is this part of the New God universe like Nezha and Yang Jian? I hope they do the same thing that Marvel and DC are doing. These animated movies are awesome. It's so good to see an Asian company making movies about the Asian mythic characters that I grew up with. That's something Hollywood can never be good at. Keep up guys!���这部电影和《哪吒》《杨戬》一样属于新神榜宇宙的一部分吗?我希望它们能像漫威和DC一样做同样的事情,因为这些动画电影都太棒了。很高兴看到一家亚洲公司制作与我一起长大的亚洲神话人物的电影。这是好莱坞永远不会擅长的事情。加油!
Li Bai isnt related to anyone in fengshen yanyi so hes not a part of the new gods series ���李白与《封神演义》中的任何人都没有联系,所以他不是《新神榜》系列的一部分。
All characters in this movie are genuine historical figures in Tang Dynasty. Many of them are famous poets well known to Chinese people since childhood. The story in this movie is also quite faithful to the true history, as well as the clothing, makeup, even the greeting hand gesture.这部电影中的人物都是真实的唐代历史人物,他们中的许多人都是中国人从小就熟知的著名诗人。这部电影中的故事以及服装、化妆,甚至问候手势也相当忠实于真实的历史。
In correlation with Chang 'An, I would like to suggest you guys to check out 'The Longest Day in Chang'an'. It's a long 48 episodes tv series, but I can assure you, you won't be disappointed.关于长安,我推荐大家去看《长安十二时辰》,这是一部长达48集的电视连续剧,但我可以向你保证你不会失望的。
Wow. Will give this a chance. Light Chaser has way better movies than Pixar and other companies. I am glad to be into their 3d movies. They have inspired me as a artist.哇!我会给这部电影一个机会。追光动画的电影比皮克斯和其他公司要好得多,我很高兴能看它们的3D电影,它们激励了我成了一名艺术家。
I love Chinese animated movies. Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks need to try something like this, not just kids movies我喜欢中国的动画电影。迪士尼、皮克斯、梦工厂需要尝试这样的动画而不仅仅是制作儿童电影。
I love this, light chaser animation keep it up, but I would love to see a Universe where Sun Wukong, Nezha, Yiang Jian, and other gods or lords come together to defeat a common enemy ���我喜欢这个,希望追光动画能继续努力,我很想看到一个孙悟空、哪吒、杨戬和其他神或领主聚集在一起打败一个共同的敌人的动画。
We don't do the avengers very often in China. ���������@chengshi7983 okay boss, but sometimes u guyz mix these animations, Ne Zha and Legend of Deification and some others, they could just put them all in one, since they're all gods��� it's kinda possible and mind blowing好吧,但有时你可以把这些动画(比如《哪吒》、《封神传奇》和其他一些动画)结合在一起,因为他们都是神,如果有这种可能那将十分让人兴奋。
OMG LiBai from ���������Honor of kings such a legend poetest........ I have never seen any movie about LiBai but I only know by Playing a game called HONOR OF KINGS wangzhe rangyao哦,天哪!李白,王者荣耀中的这样一位传奇的诗人......我从来没有看过任何关于李白的电影,我通过玩一个名为“王者荣耀”的游戏才知道他。
Li Bai, the Honor of Kings version, will release a donghua series in this winter 2023.2023年冬季将会发布一部关于王者荣耀版的李白的动画。
Here's to hoping that it releases here in Aus. Been looking forward to this one and the animation quality actually looks really good. Also a good excuse to brush up on some Tang poetry希望它能在澳大利亚上映。我一直很期待这部电影,它的动画质量看起来真的很棒,它也是重温唐诗的好理由。
I'm very sceptical about a non China release for this one unfortunately. They haven't even announced an English title for the film which is a good indication that there isn't international plans不幸的是,我对这部电影在中国以外上映持怀疑态度。他们甚至还没有宣布这部电影的英文片名,这已经表明它没有在国外上映的计划。
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2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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