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本文译自Youtube,原标题:New PV Trailer | Ling Cage 2: Incarnation (Ling Long 2) 3D Donghua 2023 The Legend of Bai Yuekui
Is it my idea or this is not a direct continuation of what we have seen so far? will the story be something entirely different? btw the first season is one of my TOP 5 most favorite Donghua ever & S2 of Ling Cage was my most anticipated Donghua but now after watching this trailer I'm not sure how to feel...这只是我的想法还是第二季并非我们迄今所见的第一季的直接延续?故事会完全不同吗?顺便说一句,《灵笼》第一季是我最喜欢的五大动画之一,第二季是我最期待的动画,但现在看完预告片后我五味杂陈......
The story is mainly about the human beings on the ground, with Bai Yuekui's memories as an entry point第二季的故事将以白月魁的记忆为切入点,主要讲述地面上的人类。
Season 2 will continue where season 1 left off with Marc trapped in beast form and now living on the surface with other human survivors. There will be flashbacks of Bai Yuekui's past showing what happened before the apocalyptic event.第二季将从第一季结束的地方继续,马克被困在野兽形态中,现在与其他人类幸存者一起生活在地面上。故事将会闪回到白月魁的过去,展示世界末日事件之前发生的事情。
Nicee i thought they abondoned totally but looks like its in production.不错,我还以为他们完全放弃了这部动画呢,但看起来它正在制作中。
There will be a 20 minute+ PV about Bai Yuekui near the end of this year. The Season 2 continues with the main story line of Season 1在接近年底的时候将会有一个关于白月魁的20分钟+的预告片,第二季将延续第一季的主要故事情节。
Is ling cage original or based on manhua?
Original donghua. But in the past two years, they have extended a Manhua with an independent story, which is used to supplement the world setting and maintain the popularity of IP.The original donghua Scissors 7 also has a new Manhua, for the same reason.And, manhua is another project by another team, which will not affect the production progress of donghua.原创动画。但在这两年里,为了补充世界设定,维持IP的热度,他们衍生出了一部有独立故事的漫画。
Looks like the prequel based on the manhua?
The story is mainly about the human beings on the ground, with Bai Yuekui's memories as an entry point第二季的故事将主要以白月魁的记忆为切入点,讲述地面上的人类。
@DonghuaGameCG3D I see, so a mix of them, flashbacks + contniuation. We shall see how it goes, any idea on release date, pretty hyped for this one.我明白了,所以第二季等于是动画和漫画的结合,并加以闪回和延续。我们将看看它的进展如何,你有关于发布日期的任何消息吗?我想对此大肆宣传。
@aitharel3009 Maybe 2024, I'm not sure. this animation studio is known for frequently pushing back release dates. ���也许是2024年,但我不确定,因为这家动画工作室以经常推迟发布日期而闻名。[笑哭]
@DonghuaGameCG3D Hope they do a better job on this than Three-Body Problem lol
@DonghuaGameCG3D Haha true. As long as it's the same quality of storytelling and animation, I don't mind them taking longer.Although the first season took so long to release, it was worth it in the end haha哈哈,确实。只要故事和动画的质量与第一季相同,我不介意他们花更长的时间制作。
@AICW 3-Body Problem is just a very hard book to translate into live-action or animation format tbh. Ling Cage is their original IP and its story is rather straight forward, so they should know what do with it better.《三体》是一本很难改编成真人版或动画版的书。《灵笼》是他们的原创IP,故事比较直白,所以他们应该更清楚该怎么处理。
《诛仙》动画第2季预告:第一季结局令人心碎,碧瑶太可怜了。陆雪琪和张小凡为什么多次相遇又分开?本文译自Youtube,原标题:《诛仙》动画第2季预告上线 | 十载离人梦,殊途无归处 | 《诛仙》Jade Dynasty | ENG SUB | 腾讯视频 - 动漫B站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vV4y1e7vi
Yeah, I'm glad they didn't disappoint me, after a complete years of patience finally its worth waiting for... Was been very eagerly waiting for it, since the last season was a very heartbreaking ending to make myself move on from this donghua ���太好了,我很高兴他们没有让我失望,经过了整整一年的耐心等待,最终它是值得的...我一直在热切地等待着它,因为上一季是一个让我久久无法释怀的非常令人心碎的结局。
thankfully its in 2024 so not much longer to wait I saw the real release date somewhere so we can wait a bit, it won't be exciting for me because i got restless and read the novel for zhu xian 2/ jade dynasty 2 so yeah don't do what I did and loose all the hype for this show im just impatient谢天谢地,它将在2024年复更,所以不用等太久。我在某个地方看到了真正的发布日期,所以我们可以等一等,这对我来说并不会让我很兴奋,因为我有些焦躁不安。我读了《诛仙2》的小说,所以是的,不要做我做过的事并失去对这部动画的兴趣。我只是没有耐心。
First season is emotional ������ first he like his sister then his sister like another man and second he got love by another girl but in the last episode she die emotional damage ������第一季很感人[哭][哭],一开始他喜欢他的小师妹,但他的小师妹喜欢另一个男人,之后他得到了另一个女孩的爱,但在最后一集中她死于情感 [哭][哭]。
@FlameEmperor69 my poor biyo sacrifice her life for a person that did love her that's why don't love a person with out knowing what he think of you ��� I will not watch this noble because the writing don't know what is true love is ���我可怜的碧瑶为了一个不知是否爱她的人牺牲了她的生命,这就是为什么不要爱上一个不清楚他对你的想法的人的原因。我不会看这部小说,因为作者不知道什么是真正的爱情。
lu xieque always treated xiofan as her bro...and now they are enemies coz xiaofan turned into demon???that will be season2 and i hope bi yao return and get together with....lu xieque never deserved him..she only treated him as mates....after all sacrifcies bi yao had made if she did not end up with xiao fan it will be pity for her陆雪琪一直把张小凡当成自己的师弟...现在他们成了敌人,因为小凡变成了恶魔???这将是第二季的故事,我希望碧瑶复活并与小凡在一起...陆雪琪配不上他....她只把他当作师弟...碧瑶做了那么多牺牲,如果最后她没有和小凡在一起,那她就太可怜了。
In the animation, yes, but not in the novel from the books. After Forsake Abyssis many from the Good Factions had understood that Lu Xueqi had some love for Xiaofan.在动画中是这样,但在小说中不是。在死灵渊之行后,许多“正派人士”都知晓了陆雪琪对小凡的爱。
As much I know she will revived but xiaofan will marry lu xueqi, biyao becomes friend.. and some says she will not revived据我所知,她会复活,但小凡将娶陆雪琪并和碧瑶成为朋友...也有人说她不会复活。
@alesto3202 bro..if you read book... do you know why they are fighting in this video... I don't think he will be enemy to her...兄弟...如果你看过书...你知道他们为什么在这个视频里打架吗...我不认为他会成为她的敌人...
@tinutinu1033 they will fight at least 3 times,in this season, all the sects are looking for treasures here, and finally Lu Xueqi and Gui Li (Xiaofan) find it at the same time, they are not enemy,at the same time, they are not friends他们至少会打3次,在这一季里,所有的门派都在寻找宝藏,最终陆雪琪和鬼厉(张小凡)同时找到了宝物。他们不是敌人,但也不是朋友。
@alesto3202 does he want to be her enemy or something else?? I'm confused What does he feels for her now??? How long will take for them to be together??他想与她为敌还是别的什么原因??我很困惑他现在对她是什么感觉???他们要多久才能在一起??
@tinutinu1033 maybe three seasons later, the realation are so complex like a romantic drama ,they love each other but they have to fight with each other coz of sect mission, misunderstanding and biyao, they will fight together and stay together for a short time after the third season, and then they separate till the end of the story, they stay together again at the end of novel也许要到第三季之后,就像一部浪漫的电视剧一样,这里面的关系很复杂。虽然他们爱着彼此,但由于门派使命、误解和碧瑶,他们不得不相互争斗。他们将在第三季之后并肩战斗并短暂相处,然后分开,直到故事结束,他们在小说结束时又在一起了。
@alesto3202 why will ther separate after short time?? Misunderstanding or something else?? Don't know but Somehow I feel bad for her..为什么他们会短暂相处,然后分开??是因为误解还是其他什么原因??我不知道,但不知怎么的,我为她感到难过。
@tinutinu1033 they will separate twice Luxurqi will kill Tian Bu yi in the future (Xiaofan's master), then Biyao disappear (we still don't know why),Xueqi find Xiaofan to take care of him and later the final battle coming, Xueqi Back to protect Qingyun Sect, they separate again他们会分开两次,陆雪琪日后会杀死田不易(小凡的师傅),然后碧瑶消失了(我们还不知道原因),雪琪找到小凡并照顾他,后来决战来临,雪琪回去保护青云门,他们又分开了。
@alesto3202 why did she kill him??as I know he was controlled by something她为什么要杀他(译注:这里应该指的是田不易,但下面的回答误解为张小凡了)??据我所知他被什么东西控制了。
@tinutinu1033 Because sect is everything to her, sect thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is already a traitor, so she can't reject sect's position. At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't forgive the sect for killing Baguio, so he refused to forgive the sect, and Baguio's father said he could save Biguio, so Zhang Xiaofan stood with him, but at the same time Zhang Xiaofan didn't believe Baguio's father either.因为青云门是她的一切,而青云门认为张小凡已经是叛徒,所以她不能拒绝门派的立场。同时,张小凡也无法原谅青云门杀了碧瑶,所以他拒绝原谅青云门,而碧瑶的父亲说他可以救碧瑶,于是张小凡站在了他的一边,但同时张小凡又不相信碧瑶的父亲。
《眷思量》插曲《未来》:中国最好的动画,几乎和真人一模一样。镜玄和屠丽简直是天生一对本文译自Youtube,原标题:[DMV] 3D Donghua | Jing Xuan #镜玄 - 插曲未来 Juan Siliang #WeTV#眷思量#RomanticDonghua#TencentAnimation
So glad that I'm not the only one dying waiting for season 2. Accidentally watched this one out of curiosity and my god it was such a beautiful story. Now I hope season 2 will have more moments of them together in Jing Xuan's real body because I can't get enough of them. What a beautiful couple.很高兴我不是唯一一个在等待第二季的人。出于好奇我无意间看了这一季,我的天哪,这是一个如此美丽的故事。现在我希望第二季能有更多他们在一起的时刻(镜玄以真实身份),因为对于他俩我百看不厌。他们是多么美丽的一对啊。
I ship them so much! ��������� Thanks for the trailer! I hear another season is coming and I am excited for that! The animation but this Donghua is literally beyond amazing. Kinda blows my other ones that I like away. ���我超级喜欢他们!谢谢你的剪辑!我听说另一季即将发布,我为此感到非常兴奋!这部动画确实令人惊叹,简直是惊艳到我了。���
This anime almost looks alike to real people. I ship them much. Wonder if it would be produced as drama. Just perfect to me. Waiting for second season but when does it come? Lol这部动画和真人几乎一模一样,我超级喜欢。不知道它是否会被制作成电视剧,因为它对我来说太完美了。很期待第二季,但它什么时候发布呢?哈哈哈哈。
They do use real people with cgi clothing. Thats why you can use the periodic eye twitches and facial ticks which happen naturally for a person but a pain for an animator to make他们确实用真人穿着CGI服装进行动作捕捉,这就是为什么你能够发现人物的眼睛和面部会有周期性的抽搐的原因,因为这对一个人来说是自然发生的,但对动画师来说却是痛苦的。
Jing Xuan is the most handsome and perfect animated character ever. He is the brainchild of one women who dreamed of creating him while studying animation. After finishing her degree she made the face of Jing Xuan. Moreover, wrote the story herself. Directed the animation. As perfect as this animation is, I am also deeply impressed by the dedication & love of her for this character which took her 10 years to finally see Jing Xuan coming to life. I just love him so much, he is perfect & powerful yet a soft baby inside. After watching other donghuas, I always come back to Juan Siliang to appreciate this masterpiece. Hope to see season 2 soon.镜玄是有史以来最帅气、最完美的动画角色,他是一位在学习动画时梦想创造他的女性的创意。在完成学位后,她做出了镜玄的脸。此外,这个故事是她自己写的,她还执导了这部动画。尽管这部动画非常完美,但她对这个角色的奉献和爱也给我留下了深刻的印象,因为她花了10年的时间才终于让镜玄有了生命。我太爱他了,他既完美又强大,但内心却像婴儿一样柔软。看完其他动画作品后,我总是会回来欣赏《眷思量》这部杰作。希望很快能看到第二季。
Jing Xuan and Tu Li are such a perfect match. The song is so powerful and sweet at the sametime, reflects their love so well ❤️❤️❤️镜玄和屠丽真是天作之合。这首歌是如此的有力和甜蜜,同时也很好地反映了他们的爱情。❤️❤️❤
In episode 11 , Jing Xuan who disguises himself as grandpa Heng says that he is planning something for Tu Li's futureThat goes of the lyrics of this song :That future is the future of both of them , together ���在第11集中,伪装成恒爷爷的镜玄说他正在为屠丽的未来做打算。这首歌的歌词是这样的:未来就是他们两人的未来 ���
I love their love story it's so fantastic,the male actor waits a right time to meets her love( tuli) after 10 years hiding her face in an old man,he investigate the happening of his family and solved it.我喜欢他们的爱情故事,太精彩了。在假扮一个老人10年之后,男主角正等待着合适的时机来遇见她的爱人(屠丽),他还调查了他的家人的遭遇并解决了这个问题。
Hello, i have a question. Are they Childhood friends? Didn't they were raised as siblings? I don't know if I will ship them or not. I'm so confused你好,我有个问题。他们是儿时的朋友吗?他们不是一起长大的兄妹吗?我不知道我是否会喜欢它们,因为我很困惑。
They only lived together for a few years when they were kids, from about 3 to 6 years old, after which TuLi thought little Jing Xuan was dead. In fact, he was hiding beside her in another identity.他们只在小时候一起生活过几年(从3岁到6岁),之后屠丽以为小镜玄已经死了。事实上,他以另一种身份躲在了她的身边。
When Tuli was 3 years old, came to Siliang Island with her pirate dad.Then her dad left with the island mission and disappeared.Jing xuan's mother adopted tuli and they lived together until the age of 6. until the disaster happened当屠丽3岁的时候,她和她的海盗爸爸来到了思量岛。
Such a trash anime!!!! Those who says this anime is good are fooling people !!! Just wasted my time!!! Just imagine after watching episode 1 to 12 with useless conversation and M.C just roming around hinding his identity U will find this part action only in episode 13!!! I don't recommend this coz I know u will regret wasting time like me真是垃圾动漫!!!!那些说这部动漫好看的人都是在忽悠!!!简直浪费了我的时间!!!想象一下,在看完第1集到第12集的无用对话和男主角只是四处闲逛以隐藏他的身份后,你会发现这部分情节只出现在第13集!!!我不推荐这部动画,因为我知道你会后悔像我一样浪费时间。
Well, it's true that not a lot actually happens in terms of the overarching plot but this is just the start of their story. If you're not someone who likes story driven shows that requires world building then this is not for you. I personally really enjoyed it and felt like 15 episodes went by too quickly! I do understand the disappointment that nothing major is really achieved within the first season BUT this is just setting up for what's to come in the future. I thought it was a good show because the story is pretty solid, the world building is good, there are conspiracies and mysteries to solve and the animation is gorgeous!好吧,确实,就总体情节而言,实际上并没有发生太多事情,但这只是他们故事的开始。如果你不喜欢需要构建世界以推动故事发展的作品,那么这部动画不适合你。我个人真的很喜欢它,感觉15集过得太快了!我确实理解有些人对第一季中没有真正取得任何重大进展的失望,但这只是在为未来做准备。我认为这是一部好动画,因为它的故事很扎实,世界构建得很棒,里面有很多阴谋和谜团有待解决,而且这部动画非常华丽!
《眷思量》制作特辑:从来没有意识到背后要付出这么多努力,等不及第二季了本文译自Youtube,原标题:CC SUB The island of Siliang | Part 01 Making Of Juan Siliang and Behind The Scenes 眷思量制作特辑回顾
I loved this show… I’m super impressed with all the creators and their dedication.. superb work everyone! Looking forward to more seasons ❤我喜欢这个动画……所有的创作者和他们的奉献精神给我留下了深刻的印象...大家干得好!期待更多季动画 ❤
This is the best anime ever! Love this project and Thanks to the team for your contribution and hard work. Can’t wait for season 2 ❤ pleaseeeeee这是有史以来最好的动画!我喜欢这个短片并感谢团队的贡献和努力。等不及想看第二季了 ❤ 求你们了。
im so so obsessed with this drama, cant wait for season 2!!!!!!!!!! please release the season 2 soon ❤❤我太痴迷于这部动画了,等不及第二季了!!!!!!!!!!请尽快发布第二季❤❤
Thank you all the talented and very hard working people for bringing this excellent animation to life! Well done!感谢所有才华横溢、辛勤工作,让这部优秀的动画栩栩如生的工作人员!你们干得好!
I see a lot of people asking for season 2 as early as possible. I hope the studio and the director can achieve their vision well and take care of their health. The show is unlike anything else, they should be very proud :-)我看到很多人要求尽早播出第二季,但我希望工作室和导演能够很好地实现他们的愿景并照顾好他们的健康。这部动画与其他所有动画都不一样,他们应该为此感到非常自豪:-)
I’ve watched hundreds of animations, but this one is my Number 1. Best story, even best CG. Keep up the great job. All fans notice all your hard work ��� ���我看过几百部动画,但这部动画是我心中的南波湾。故事最好,甚至CG也是最好的。继续这了不起的工作吧,所有的粉丝都看到了你们的努力 ��� ���
Aww this donghua is lucky to have all the staff who worked hard and a great director. Your hard work has resulted many positive feedback,,many loves the island of siliang and eager for the second season.哇,这部动画非常有幸拥有所有努力工作的员工和一个伟大的导演。你们的努力得到了很多积极的反馈,很多人喜欢《眷思量》,大家都在等第二季。
I only enjoy it as a perfect series, never realize how much hard works needed ���❤ Can't express how much I appreciate the time and effort the whole team put in for us to enjoy. Thank you so much ���������我只是把它当作一个完美的动画系列来享受,从来没有意识到需要付出多少努力,[流汗] ❤ 我无法表达我多么感激整个团队为我们付出的时间和精力。非常感谢 ���������
I’m so looking forward for season 2… this donghua is superb!! Thank you for your hard work… best story and animation combined.. I don’t think we need a live version❤���我非常期待第二季……这部动画太棒了!!谢谢你们的努力…这是最好的故事和动画的结合....我认为我们不需要真人版。 ❤ [流汗]
E un vero capolavoro. La pelle del viso, dei vostri personagi, è splendente e luminosa. Un lavoro come il vostro fjno adesso, non ho mai visto. Anche la sceneggiatura è favolosa. Guardando, mi da l'impressione che sono anche io presente nella storia, e così realistico è da vicino montato. Siete eccezionali nel vostro lavoro. Aspetto con piacere la seconda stagione.Grazie per il vostro duro lavoro❤这是一部真正的杰作。你们的角色的脸部皮肤明亮而有光泽,我从来没有见过这样的作品。剧本也很棒,看着动画我感觉自己也在故事里,它是如此的逼真。你们的工作非常出色。我期待第二季。感谢你们的努力。
They’re so many thai fans waiting for this the 3d of this story is the most beautiful i’ve wait for ss2 more than a year really wish it will start ss2 in 2567有很多泰国粉丝在等这个动画,这个故事的3D建模是最美。我等第二季已经一年多了,真希望它能在2567年开始发布第二季(译注:这里用的是佛历,2567年即2024年)。
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