

字号: A-AA+ 2024-06-04 01:49:56

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:China takes over the lead in the lunar race



China says it has successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The mission aims to collect the first rock and soil samples from the little-known lunar hemisphere. With the landing, China obtains the lead in the international race for the moon. The US, India, and others are hoping to exploit lunar resources to sustain long-term bases on the moon.


There is a rumour that the US moon landing technology was stolen by China. That's why the US can't go to the Moon now but China found out that the stolen Moon landing technology is applicable only if the Moon landing takes place in a movie studio.


Yet, the US has delayed the rocket launching of two astronauts to the international space station in the last few minutes......twice and stay waiting.


China’s space program already mapped out what they’ve planned to achieve on certain period of time for the next 5, 10, or 20 years. They don’t rush it or push their schedule ahead just because some countries claimed they want to be the first one to achieve it. China is not interested to compete with others to be the first one to achieve certain tasks, they are only interested on every task they’ve planned and scheduled to do is achievable.  Therefore their successful rate is higher.


Look at those people working for Chinese space programs, all very young people, vast contrast to those in NASA, huge potential for future growth.


Usa could explore the moon minerals long time ago, but for some reason they didn,t. Nasa said it lost the technology to land on the moon, ha ha.


Competition in Space and Technology is what we need, not in destructive weapons. Good for China


There are also European scientific instruments landed on far side of moon along with Chang'e 6 lander


Successful landing on the far side of the moon is already a first for us human kind.
Awaiting what the earth sample it collects will reveal.
Very exciting.


@Aapig  Apollo 11' landing on Moon (year 1969) has an very smooth live broadcast on the Earth control center(while 2G networks was invented in year 1991), while Chang'E 6's landing still has an very un-smooth live broadcast in 2004 under the 5g netwroks everywhere now

@Aapig 阿波罗11号登月时(1969年)在地球控制中心的直播非常流畅(2G网络是1991年发明的),而嫦娥6号在2024年登月时,在现在到处都是5G网络的情况下,直播仍然非常不流畅。

@frankfleming1103  This is far side of moon. Means it needs to send signal to satelite around moon and then route that to the earth satelite and then back to earth.  There must be latency since the field of visibility cannot be achived directly on that side of moon

@frankfleming1103 那里是月球的远端,这意味着它需要向月球周围的卫星发送信号,然后将信号传送到地球卫星,再传回地球。由于月球那一侧无法直接达到可视范围,因此一定会有延迟。

Congratulations to China for successful landing on the far side of the moon for the second time. Good luck on journey back


The day that the Americans in their hesitancy did not let the Chinese take part in the International Space Station will make them sad for all of history, If I were the Chinese, I wouldn't give the Americans a single grain of the sample, nor any information, and I wouldn't let them set foot on the space station either.


China s achievements are so impressing. And they keep accelerating while US private new space keeps delaying its promisses.


According to the Wolf law, the NASA and American agents are not allowed to collaborate with China on any space projects. Is it illegal for the Brown University to ask and obtain lunar sample from China?


China shall comply with the Wolf Amendment, and should not blatantly violate US laws.


I fully support the Wolff's Amendment. I don't want any Chinese sample to be shared. I don't want any Chinese scientist to collaborate with G7 country.


good on you China for sharing, despite the sanctions 'culture' of the US


It won't share to the US as many Chinese will opposed it. If Chinese space agency will share it with the US ,they will faced the anger of many Chinese people


America....that's our moon we got there first now they're stealing it.


Technically, one of the Chinese Goddess, Chang'e, has been living there for thousands of years, with her pet, Jade Rabbit.


@ericliume  I witness Ms. Chang'e and her Jade Rabbit have been long time inhabitants on the Moon and they have in fact obtained their citizenship for over thousands of years.  

@ericliume 我见证了嫦娥女士和她的玉兔在月球上的长期居住,事实上他们获得公民身份已经有几千年了。

Ironically the more successful China is the better it is for the American space programme.


A truly fascinating mission and a very impressive achievement by the China National Space Administration, here!


NASA should give China some moon dust collected by Neil Armstrong and compare the results with the moon rock and dust collected now.
Would be very interesting to see the outcome.

美国国家航空航天局(NASA)应该给中国一些尼尔-阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)收集的月球尘埃并将结果与现在收集的月球岩石和尘埃进行比较。

The first sentence is: "China SAID it had successfully landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon." Does it imply that it is not a fact; only China said that. Typical Western medium.


It’s fair coverage and ur making a mountain out of a mole hill
The title is heavily favoring the accomplishment. Only negativity blinds you from appreciating the wonders of space exploration regardless of which country does it


@-saltless No saltless I think the title or wording seems to suggest a degree of scepticism regarding China from this channel.  Some other news organisations have ' China has.....' not China said it has....'. Might be a molehill, but a valid comment. It is a great achievement nevertheless


@-saltless , Not long ago, the US, along with other 5 countries, were bidding in Wuhan, China for granting of the moon rock brought back by China's Chang'e 5 mission from the NEAR side of the moon. When the US media and US politicians complained over their failed attempt in bidding the granting thereof, the news coverage was NOT phrasing the matter with wording such as "China's space agency refused to grant the moon rock that China claimed to have brought back from the near side of the moon," but "China's space agency refused to grant the moon rock that China has brought back from the near side of the moon."  
That surely answers your argument. DW News and their editors and anchors are not the only ones that speak English. A lot of peoples (plural!!!) from a lot of countries and places do speak English equally proficiently, if not better.



acturally we Chinese are used to hear such biased reports about China from western media


That is the art of western news report....


It's a normal journalism standard for wording, they do the same with other countries or companies.




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