

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-29 13:46:08

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:A lesson for the world: This is how China builds a subway line nowadays!




A few days ago Line 14 of Shenzhen Metro system just opened, and with it, several stations of course! I came to ride it and visit the most impressive subway station yet of the whole system, this is Gangxia North station in Futian District! It is just a masterpiece!



babyAli L.
Wow, thanks for making this incredible video! I just searched some info online regarding Shenzhen subway, and learnt that the first station began on December 28, 2004. Between 2005-2010 they only had 2 subway lines. The construction exploded since 2010 and now they have 474 km of subway railways & 308 stations completed and in operation. They will expand to 650 km by 2025. This is amazing!


And ShenZhen is but one of a dozen cities with similar transformations. I'm in Hangzhou atm and it's also undergone a huge infrastructure modernisation. Including subway, trains and airports, as well as full electric car recharging network, 5G, and full sharing network for everything from bicycles, e-mopeds, even umbrellas :) yeah innovating everywhere


Xinfu Xia
The glass tube covering the track is not only beautiful, but it has practical civil engineering functions. It insolate noise and air from passing trains.  prevent objects falling on tracks, also feels safe for people on high level bridges..


Thank you for sharing this wonderful video. This is definitely a futuristic look and very modern. China is the only country who has the resources, capability and talents to build such a beautiful infrastructure ❤love from USA


Brian Rowe
I've been on subways in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Changsha, Chongqing, Xi'an, Wuhan, Kunming and Nanning and found them all clean, modern and easy to use despite not knowing the language. My only gripe is that when they are busy, a lot of incoming passengers will try to force their way on without waiting for others to disembark. It can feel like you are caught in the middle of a rugby scrum at times.


Elizabeth Lau
Wow. Never knew this. Amazing design and lots of practical features especially the glass roof preventing noise and dust spreading throughout the station! Imagine the comfort for travellers and low cleaning, maintenance costs! Amazing China.


rob alv
wow amazing, looks even better than our new international airport that Sydney is building for the past 5 years and another 5 years to go, if we're lucky.


Kam L.
OMG! We don't have this kind of technology (charging your cell phone in a train, how cool) anywhere in Canada which is a G7 nation.


Ray Lee
Thanks for the video. If such developmental improvements are  in the US, I am sure they would be meccas for the homeless.  They would enjoy the temperaure controlled enviroments, toilets and free rides if they do not leave stations.  They will also have access to wireless charging.


If America is willing to building pro-society, pro-people infrastructure, then it will be trivially easy for the richest country in the world to end homelessness and even prevent it from happening in the first place. Because that is what a country that puts its people's welfare and interests as the top prioirity will naturally do.


@xiongjie zheng  No doubt UK and the US are the two worst examples of democracy because they are failing at every level, from grass root level of voter apathy and decades of anti-social conditioning throughout their entire society to the prevalence of corruption and outright plutocratic rule at the top. Calling the US or even the UK democratic is frankly insulting to democratic countries.
It is time for the world to redefine democratic principles. For one thing, democracy should not be simply defined as the voting system and oppositional/adversarial politics. The end results should also be a form of measurement because if we consider whether results from policies is congruous to what people want like prosperity, stability, social mobility, low inequality, actual freedom, then countries like the US and UK will fail miserably because their government serve the rich and the results speak for itself. Voting in those countries doesn't even affect policies.

@xiongjie zheng 毫无疑问,英国和美国是民主的两个最糟糕的例子,因为他们在各个层面都在失败,从基层选民的冷漠和数十年来整个社会一直存在的反社会条件,到腐败的盛行和上层彻底的财阀统治。直言不讳地称美国甚至英国为民主国家是对民主国家的侮辱。


Patrice C.
I don't think this is a lesson for the world, because everyone knows that the Chinese are capable of building beautiful things.


Alan Cheong
This is way more advanced compared to the dark, dirty, full of graffiti and smelly stations in some western "developed" countries. Nowhere in the west have i seen this level of development. Looks like china has gone far ahead by leaps and bounds. Congrats. If i want to see relics and antiques and generally just old things i guess i would need to go to europe then (besides beijing and xian which also has tons of history).


Americans using the subway in China: "Wow, this looks like one of these beautiful SciFi movies!"
Chinese using the subway in the US: "Wow, this looks like one of those dystopian SciFi movies!"



Harshit 2.0
Wow. This Chinese Metro station looks gorgeous, it can alone compete with some of the domestic 'Airports' in many country. It surely looks amazing but i wonder is it just like a white Elephant, i mean is it even profitable ? I have seen many such public places which are amazing but are not at all profitable seeing they can't recover its overall construction + maintenance cost.


Wilson Edwards
Yes, many people are impressed by that which meets the eye. What they fail to notice in China is that the once booming housing construction is built on the Ponzi scheme: when new subscribers stop coming, the whole thing collapses.  And do you know that the half-imported high speed railway system is losing 400 million yuan per DAY?   But China knows.  They export superficial “prosperity” and excess labor via the Belt Road initiative to the nations that envy the superficial but can ill afford the cost and debt.  But no problem; leaders can retire with millions, let their former countries sink in billions of debt.


Aaron Smith
While Chinese stations look nice...they are poorly designed. Most are too large and too deep.  Compare them to a cut&cover NY subway...it's ugly, but going from the train to the surface street might take 30 seconds.  Many Chinese stations can take minutes sometimes over 8 minutes to walk through.  If you have to transfer, or walk a long way from your home to the stations or from the station to work...this is a ton of time that makes their metros last practical.


Wei Zhang
Nothing about too large or too deep, it’s about the over 20 millions population In just one city , long walk, more spaces avoiding gathering too much people in a narrow corner, you have no idea the China situation


Harun Rachman
China has taken all the ideas and technologies from Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. These systems move millions of people every hour. Chinas system is still a white elephant just like their version of the bullet train. The only redeeming thing is the pretty station but knowing the level of corruption, I bet it may be a tofu drag piece of work.  For a more beautiful piece or architecture, check out the Jewel at Changing Airport in Singapore.


doremi la musique
I need to read 20 CNN’s special ‘reports’ to rebelieve China is a remote country������


Shakesbeer ZZ
OK, all i know is the road to my office has been blocked for almost six months. in China they built Tesla superplant in just 300 days, so they can finish such construction within six days.  i am not even in a poor city...


Niño Jan Jeremy Go
I think China will not long will turn from Developing Country to Developed Country. It's look Developed enough for me: from infrastructures, engineering, science and technology, they can make it on their own now... but why their government still considered themselves as Developing Country?


Rafa Goes Around!
Big cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai or Chongqing are definitely well developed and most of the people enjoy a high quality of life there. However China is a huge country and there’s still a long way to go in rural areas. Although a good is being done there when it comes to poverty alleviation and access to education and health services. I’ve made some videos in some rural areas of China. You can take a look ������



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关键字:中国修地铁,外国小哥逛中国地铁 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员