
Machine Eye:为什么中国被称为“基建狂魔”?它甚至让美国工程师起了鸡皮疙瘩

字号: A-AA+ 2023-07-26 14:40:12

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Machine Eye:为什么中国被称为“基建狂魔”?它甚至美国工程师了鸡皮疙瘩
本文译自Youtube,原标题:Why Is China Known As The "Infrastructure Maniac"? It Even Gives American Engineers Goosebumps


In the US, from personal experience in Colorado, it takes 5 years to add ONE lane to a 50 mile freeway stretch (more profit from the tax payers the longer it takes) while China can build 5 WHOLE cities in 5 years. Worse yet, the US extra freeway lane is a PAY lane.


I personally think it's a choice that the two nations have made. US of A and its people have decided to invest in destructive weaponry while China and its people have chosen the constructive path.


The US decided to spend all of its public infrastructure funds on making the lives of car owners better. It is rich, but that is a bottomless pit. China split what they have between building more roads and actual public transport. People say China's rail companies are losing billions every year. But think of it like an investment and an expense. You don't expect spending on building roads to be profitable. Some of that money should be diverted to public transport.


China started late because there was nothing. She is trying to catchup so everything is new. US started early so everything is old. Building new and useful infra structure is good but we need to maintain it. This applies both to China and US.


re the terrible state of US infrastructure. It's worth remembering that the USA is the world's leading democracy.  So it must be that the people have demanded that their infrastructure be allowed to fall apart and be dangerous.  I assume because it makes travelling more exciting.  The people want the drive to the shops to be like a thrilling fairground ride.


The biggest difference between Chinese path to modernization and the United States is that it does not need colonialism, but leads everyone to Common prosperity.


i just rode a brand new 2023 subway line in usa, it was bumpy, noisy (loud squeaky metal sound), sharp turns... almost like roller coaster!


US need to hire railroad workers from China again to finish the hi-speed rail in California guarantee to finish within 10 months not 10 or 15 years in the hands of American workers.


China has used in building in around 3 years more concrete then the USA in over a hundred years. The most of 50 tallest buildings are in china. china is building new solar of 200 Giga Watt in a year, thats more then in the whole EU exist.


Money/profit rules America. There isn't any money to be made building public infrastructure. In China the public sector industries pay USD500b/year building and maintaining its state-of-the -art infrastructure. This amount is still much less than what US spends of its overseas military operations for reasons known only to its Administration.


I once travelled to D.C and was curious to use the subway, I was shocked! It was no different from the one I saw in Budapest! Make America big again guys! Stop wasting finances in Weapon complexes that have not brought any good to American people.


China built the only construction that can be seen from space, so their engineering prowess is unsurpassed. The difference is that the US is a bank with a country. China is a country with a bank.


Why China Chinese people never give up hope as the long is learning experiences with High technology engineering field or infastruction engineering field or others , now China is looks forward future in 21 Century onwards for Young Generation people of China  , never give up learning each day's is our knowledge skill technical support each other  .


Describing USA distances in kilometers rather than miles is silly, because it masks a major aspect of the whole problem. The USA's refusal -- almost unique on the entire planet -- to embrace the metric system is itself symptomatic and emblematic of America's technological-infrastructural backwardness and lethargy.


Does anyone know there are three airports in Beijing? Please travel to see the old one. New York airports may not as good as the newly-built one, but the way better than the old one. It is not fair to compare old infrastructures in US to the newly built in China. NY subway was built over one hundred years. It may be a bit rusty, but is still functioning properly today. The same cannot be said about Chinese infrastructures with poor quality.


i just rode a brand new 2023 subway line in usa, it was bumpy, noisy (loud squeaky metal sound), sharp turns... almost like roller coaster! you can break a leg if you walk while the train is moving and this 3 mile long line costs billions and years behind schedule.


Of course the comparison would be not fair, but the Subway from New York shouldn't look like this, if they do proper maintenance. Even in Germany they fix the old crappy stations.


It looks US is aeging. From 1930s to 1980s eventhough modern slavery exists and whites also part of workforce, those labors resembles the present Chinese workers. As you said, now things are changed and all are in easy going mood. Now only grip left is in Cyber Tech industries and Arms manufacturing. In that too you were loosing the pace but somehow recaptured the grip and in control.


The saying of renowned English port laureate, Lord Tennyson,that Old order yielding place. to new,seems to be valid for times.if once Europe was leading in Engineering and other technologies,US took over thst honour,but now Chins of nations in the world took over the number one position of ever evolving engineering, 4:18  mostly on construction side,thereby leaving other developed nations in the lurch




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