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为什么中国的航天计划比NASA规模更大,更好,更先进?| 华为芯片复活助力中国摆脱美国科技巨头的垄断!
油管网友热议:为什么中国的航天计划比NASA规模更大,更好,更先进?本文译自Youtube,原标题:How China Space Program Is BIGGER, BETTER & ADVANCED Than NASAChina is not engaged in a space race with any country, China just implements the plan step by step according to its own schedule. In 2007, China formulated a timetable for China's space program from 2012 to 2050. In the schedule, almost every year's goals were formulated. So far, every goal in the schedule has been achieved.中国没有与任何国家进行太空竞赛,中国只是在按照自己的时间表逐步实施自己的计划。2007年,中国制定了2012年至2050年太空计划时间表,其中几乎制定了每年都要实现的目标。到目前为止,时间表中的每一个目标都已实现。
The Chinese attitude is the healthy one. America is always obsessed with competition and counters, which lead to unhealthy thinking and bad judgments.中国人的态度是健康的。美国总是痴迷于竞争和对抗,这导致了不健康的思维和错误的判断。
With all due respect to everyone viewing this segment...That is awesome, While America has $$$ Billions for wars. ( death and destruction ), but cannot afford her Space Program.....China is moving forward with her Space Program, and doing business with other nations for the betterment of humanity....Did you know that, in 1936, one of the co-founders of the J P L ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory ), happened to be Mr. Qian Xuesen ( Hsue - shen Tsien ) P I P Brother in God ���������.....He was a humble Chinese Aerospace Engineer, and Cyberneticist, made a great Contribution to the J P L with Aerodynamics, also established Engineering Cybernetics...Sadly, the reward for his Great Contribution... He was deported...He the became the. Father of China's Space Program, where millions of Chinese young men followed his footsteps... The rest us History.....谨向观看此评论的每个人表示应有的敬意...这太棒了。与此同时,美国在战争(死亡和毁灭)上花费了数十亿美元,但却无力负担其太空计划......
China spent billions of dollars in space technologies. America has spent $6.4 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001The report, from Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University.Since the war began more than a year ago, the United States has given Ukraine more than $213 billion in military aid.中国在太空技术上花费了数十亿美元,而布朗大学沃森国际与公共事务研究所的报告显示自2001年以来,美国在中东和亚洲的战争上花费了6.4万亿美元。
Most engineers of the Chinese space program looks 30 years old while Bill Nelson is older than Biden. ���大多数中国太空计划的工程师看起来只有30岁左右,而比尔·尼尔森(译注:前美国国会参议员,现任NASA局长)的年龄比拜登还大。[流汗]
I remembered a few years ago. ( I forgot the exact date ), Bill Nelson said, " there's no room in space for China ".....Imagine that.....In the last 10yrs, China has achieved great strdes with her Space Program, and aggressively, when China sets a date for certain accomplishment. ( s ), they achieve their goals.....It's NOT competing with anyone, just wants humanity to prosper, and move on towards the next Century.....我记得几年前(我忘了确切的日期),比尔·尼尔森说“太空中没有中国的位子”......想象一下......
China's space program cannot be 'bigger and better than NASA'. The Chinese are working and making progress but NASA remains the undisputed leader in space technology and exploration. Let's make documentaries that are actually educational and reduce propaganda!中国的太空计划不可能“比NASA的太空计划规模更大、更好”。虽然中国正在努力并取得进展,但NASA仍然是太空技术和探索领域无可争议的领导者。让我们制作真正具有教育意义的纪录片并减少宣传吧!
So ... let me get this straight, China is now doing what America did back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and you are all raving that "china is more advanced than the US now" .... do you see that paradox in that line of thinking? ... No? Not yet, let me help you. China's citizens go to school here in America to bring our knowledge back to their home country. (just one of the many great mistakes of what is allowed here in the US). .... and you somehow come to the conclusion because china is doing what the US did 40+ years ago, china is ... let me quote this here, ahem "Bigger, Better & Advanced than NASA". Laughable at best ..让我直说吧,中国现在正在做美国在上世纪60、70和80年代做过的事情,而你们却都在胡言乱语“中国现在比美国更先进”....你看出这种思路中的矛盾了吗?....没有?让我来帮你。中国公民在美国上学是为了把我们的知识带回他们的祖国(这只是美国允许的许多重大错误之一)...不知道你怎么会得出这样的结论:由于中国正在做40多年前美国所做的事情,中国....让我在这里引用这句话,咳咳,“比NASA规模更大、更好、更先进”,我顶多只能轻抚汝之狗头,笑而不语...
because as Elon Musk said, technology doesn't automatically progress. In fact it degrades if you don't invest in it. So let me repeat what you said, Chinese space program is bigger better and more advanced than the US. You get the idea now?因为正如埃隆·马斯克所说,技术不会自动进步。事实上,如果你不投资,它就会退化。所以让我重复一下你所说的,中国的太空计划比NASA规模更大、更好、更先进。现在你明白了吗?
油管网友热议:智能手机之王归来,这一次它将无人可挡,华为芯片复活助力中国摆脱美国科技巨头的垄断!本文译自Youtube,原标题:Huawei's Chip Revival Fuels China's Breakaway from American Tech Giants' Monopoly!US semiconductor chip and telecom equipment sanctions against China are precisely the incentives China needs to develop a vertically integrated semiconductor industry. Huawei, SMIC, and others have already made major semiconductor breakthroughs that not only circumvent US sanctions, but also serves as the foundation for developing future chip technology that will surpass USA’s.美国对中国半导体芯片和电信设备的制裁正是中国发展垂直一体化半导体产业所需的激励措施。华为、中芯国际等公司已经在半导体方面取得了重大突破,这些突破不仅规避了美国的制裁,而且为开发未来超越美国的芯片技术奠定了基础。
Great ! The stacking technology with SMIC will be different from those produced by TSMC. A big slap to TSMC and US.太棒了!中芯国际的堆叠技术将不同于台积电的堆叠技术,这是对台积电和美国的一记重拳。
@fatdoi003 actually it will consume less power as electron travel less distances from opposite ends of a chip if the chip is folded in half.事实上,如果芯片对折,电子从芯片相对两端行进的距离更短,它消耗的功率也将更小。
Yes the world is waiting for Huawei to fully recover.Huawei knows it has the support not only the Chinese people but of the whole 90% of the world except for the west.是的,全世界都在等待华为的全面复苏。
This is excellent news, always had great faith in their ability to overcome anything the US could throw at them.这是一个好消息,他们始终坚信自己有能力克服美国可能给他们带来的任何困难。
Then it gives hope and confidence to china and the world that any US sanctions can be overcomed.如果这是真的。
The King of Smart Handphones has returned - this time no one can stop it. Like China , Huawei will come back and take on the world with a vengeance.智能手机之王归来了,这一次它将无人可挡。就像中国一样,华为也将卷土重来,向世界复仇。
Though it appears that China and Huawei is making good progress in overcoming the USA's sanctions on the high end hardwares, China still has someway to go in developing it's softwares excellence.EDA (Electronic Design Automation) is just one field China need to catch up.Don't forget that Android OS and all the existing popular Apps by Google are also denied to Huawei by the US.It is not easy to convince existing international Android users to switch to Harmony OS and use new unfamiliar Apps from Huawei store.Huge challenges therefore lie ahead for Huawei to sell their phones in the international markets.Need to work on this issue more.尽管中国和华为在克服美国对其高端硬件的制裁方面取得了良好的进展,但中国在发展其卓越的软件方面仍有很长的路要走。
EDA(Electronic Design Automation,电子设计自动化)只是中国需要迎头赶上的领域之一。
@phillipalexandercarr1462As someone who views CHINA ������ as an opportunity, not a threat, it’s a “no brainier”… but I’m not a “geopolitics student” so what the hell do I know? (Other than I’m Chairman of a U.K. company who is immensely proud of supplying CHINA ������ some components that I’m sure they could make themselves but invest in my company for these components because they think it’s a good thing in the long term so support businesses like mine. I’m grateful for every order to CHINA ������,作为一个将中国视为机遇而不是威胁的人,这是一件“不需要花费脑筋去想的事”……但我不是一个“地缘政治专业的学生”,所以我知道个啥??(除了我是英国的一家为能为中国供货而感到非常自豪的公司的董事长外),我相信他们可以自己制造一些组件,但他们却为这些组件而投资我的公司,因为他们认为从长远来看这是一件好事,所以才支持像我的公司这样的企业。我很感激每一份来自中国的订单。
Internet news/reports: Chip tech also difficult for USA,,,USA dont have chip tech anymore even with fake Moore's law,,,but why? because it gets difficult and difficult at smallest chip transistors and creates faulty transistors on chips which is unreliable and expensive,,,best news for China! (usa difficulty to produce smallest chip transistors)据网络新闻/报道:芯片技术对美国来说也很难,即使有了假的摩尔定律,美国也缺乏生产芯片的技术了。为什么呢?因为制造最小的芯片晶体管越来越困难,而且不可靠且代价高昂,这(美国难以生产最小的芯片晶体管)对中国来说是个好消息!
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:中国航天,华为,华为芯片,华为海思,华为回来,华为归来 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员