
Quora答主倾情推荐李子柒 评论区反响强烈

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-23 05:33:05

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Quora答主倾情推荐李子柒 评论区反响强烈


Colin Zhou

Internet Surfer,Knows Russian,Lives in Issaquah, WA2019–present



























Carl Johnson

Dec 29 · 22 upvotes

I really enjoy her videos. She does a fantastic job of shooting the footage which I believe she does by herself. If I am remembering correctly she did a behind the scenes video and she lives a pretty contemporary life and uses Apple computers. The impression I got from the videos is that she is fairly if not very wealthy and, of course very talented.

just an observation. By no means a critique. She is quite admirable!


Same here, the quality of her video is professional grade and her house seems very much like a resort, no resemblance of the rural places I’ve visited in China. In recent years the quality of life in rural China could be improving by leaps and bounds.


Desmond Tan
Jan 6 · 8 upvotes
All my Chinese friends says she started off shooting her own videos, after one of her videos became popular, someone approached her for business collaboration and provided professional video production support.
If you noticed, her videos are shot in high frame rate and high quality audio. I was expecting a crew behind the scenes, but during a video interview, she said she works with a videographer. No mention of other people.



Carl Johnson
Jan 6
Do you have any idea of what her background is. University graduate? studies or work experience? I am just curious as she comes across as someone involved in the arts.


Hongsong Li
Feb 4
She has a very bad education background. She even didn’t have a chance to go to High school. However, when she was 20s, she was a DJ, which may explain the peaceful music in her videos.


Maxwell-Luis Law
Mar 10
She is working with a well known marketing company that provides professional crews to shoot, even to script her shows. Of course all that is kept secret to promote her self-sufficient style of image. It’s all make-believe just like any scripted reality tv shows.


Farzin S
Dec 26 · 4 upvotes
I was hooked to my screen for about an hour, amazing really


Veerappan Laxman
Jan 11
That much skill and dexterity is quite impressive. Not everyone has the nimbleness or willpower to live off the grid. I am a land whale XD! Will go crazy with no internet after a few days!



Max Yang
Dec 26 · 3 upvotes
I don't have a problem with Li Ziqi. Actually as someone who grew up in the city and have never lived in rural areas, and someone who does not know how to do most of the things she did, I find it amazing she can do and make so much and so many things. But I wonder whether there are vloggers or YouTubers making videos of rural areas of developed countries who are popular like she is, and whether there are such hosts making videos about modern or urban areas of the developing countries as popular. If answer to both questions are no and no, it says something about the world. Either the popularity only comes from urban people who long for the country life, or it tells me that people are more comfortable with a less developed developing country, that they don't accept a modern, thriving sight of a developing country.


Vladimir Menkov
Dec 28
This is cool, but I wonder how come her channel is on Youtube and not on some China-based server like Youku. I don’t think it’s particularly easy to access Youtube from PRC…


Maxwell-Luis Law
Mar 10 · 2 upvotes
Because the image she portrays is not real rural China, rather a dream like China everyone from city wants it to be. Any rural people in China would know the reality are not so dream like and dismiss her lifestyle. That’s why she is selling this exotic image to foreigners of what a perfect rural self-sufficient life style china can offer, hence she does on Youtube as her intention to make the video was not made for Chinese.


Julia Yang
Jan 4
I love Li Ziqi! I watch her videos at night before bed, she has said she thinks of her videos as her ideal future lifestyle, like a dream.


Wei Zhang
Dec 25 · 14 upvotes including Shuba Swaminathan
She started by herself all alone, with a tripod. Now she has 2 cameraman and she does the editing herself.


John Daniel
Dec 24 · 22 upvotes
I discovered her last year, too! Her production value is really high, and people forget how long it actually takes to make some of those videos; if the Tofu video is what I think it is, I recall it took months, and you could also see clips of the mould growing on the tofu.


Corazon Mecha
Dec 24 · 3 upvotes
Thank you for introducing me to her! she’s perfect.
The music is amazing, the video quality is great, and the scenery has a calming effect.


Remus Buhaianu
Dec 26 · 2 upvotes
What fate this must be! I just stumbled upon her channel today and I’m in awe. I cannot believe my own eyes how much harmony and tranquility resides in her life style. It made me question my own life choices :D


Sara Juda
Dec 23 · 2 upvotes
That video where she made the purple coat is the first video I found on my TL which I decided to watch. One video was enough to fall in love with the quality, content, just everything about this channel!



Bunmi Ak.

Dec 25 · 14 upvotes

“We should stop living so harmoniously with our devices and stop taking nature for granted. It is really amazing how far you can go just by living off Mother Nature’s gifts.”


Love this post, however the same technology has given her the ability to share all these amazing abilities with us.


It's more about balancing the use of technology with other skills. The simple use of these devices have transformed many into millionaires, it's a platform ( which can be beneficial or detrimental, as many other things), and people are making a living from it. The question is how wisely are we using it?


Murali Tumahai
Jan 7
I love her videos. She’s really talented. And I love seeing that everything is so damn simple - I have all the skills needed to DO the stuff, if only I knew what needed doing!


Grace Yang
Apr 25
I love her work, especially the one where she makes a shed behind her home. She really is the embodiment of an independent woman, and shows that you don’t necessarily have to be loud or outspoken to be independent.


Mikey Jones
Dec 27
not only is she adorable and hard working, but her videos all have such a calming air to them. there’s something so soothing about seeing a self-sufficient lifestyle playing out, and realizing on top of it that there are people that are still living lifestyles like that, disconnected from the crap ton of technology the modern world has today. it makes my heart happy.



Hye Yang
Dec 24 · 36 upvotes
Saw her the other day in United airplane magazine



Luna Deberry
Feb 20
I watched and liked her videos too. They are very poetic and advocating living in nature. Not many of us can afford that though.


Sugath Rajapakse
Jan 2 · 1 upvote
I also fully agree. Way back in early 1950 in Sri Lanka when I was a child of just 5 years, we had no TV, phones, and even no Radio until mid 1950. Life as a child then was really beautiful. After school, we all live with nature. We ate fruits strait from trees and not those waxed and kept in cool rooms for months. We did not take bath in a closed room but in the well or the stream running near our home. We walked to school.
My mother’s sister was the head Nurse at the local hospital. When we visited her at her quarters, I would also go into the hospital. The OPD was empty and no out patients, the wards hardly were even 20% occupied.
There was so much happiness then. But look at it now, you have all smart phones, smart cars, smart TV, smart fridges, but what about Humans? They are not smart at all, chasing after the poisonous snake named money, never happy and always complaining.
Is this the development we wanted? Imagine what horror it will be when Artificial Intelligence takes over soon!


Lawrence Bentley
Jan 9
First, “addicted to their phones constantly” somebody is shooting her YouTube and posting it so a phone must be a important part of her day; Second, her “life” entails shooting videos that will not displease the Government, more than likely a more difficult task than homemade lipstick; Third, how is the healthcare out there for her grandmother? My point is for all of us there is NO going back, if everybody left just the Cities of China for the countryside the 22 trillion dollar economy of the USA would meltdown;


Pankaj Kumar
Dec 30 · 1 upvote
There was a time when I had subscribed only one channel on youtube and it was her.
Her videos were like tranquilizer.


Jas Kabir
Dec 23 · 39 upvotes
You watch Li Ziqi too?! I thought my family was the only one! Seriously, wherever I go, I recommend anyone to watch her YouTube channel! She's so relaxing!
She's the literal definition of superwoman in my eyes! She can do anything!


Aman Karunakaran
Dec 26 · 3 upvotes
She has 7.8M subscribers and you thought your family was the only one to watch her?


Jas Kabir
Dec 28 · 3 upvotes including Aman Karunakaran
Sorry, that's not what I meant, people around here (in qatar), clearly are not aware this amazing girl! (I haven't met any yet.)
They're still stuck with typical youtubers….



Utkarsh Suryavanshi

Jan 2

This is amazing. Sustainable fashion in full display. She should start a company of her own for sustainable Chinese plant-based products. I am quite sure that with her skills, many investors will be happy to promote an environmentally-friendly and rural-empowerment project.


She can also teach hundreds of other villagers this skill and outsource her franchise later.


Chaitali Dey
Dec 25 · 1 upvote
I watch her channel just to soothe my soul. The background music, the place where she lives, her granny are so adorable, calm and serene. She's so very talented.


Ganga S
Jan 3
I'm an Indian and vegetarian I've subscribed to her and enjoy those videos. because it's aesthetically beautiful and reminds us of old days. We still have similar lifestyle in rural southern India which I miss dearly. That's why I see similarly and I appreciate her efforts.


Max Zebra-Thyone
Dec 31
I’ve watched a number of Lee Ziqi’s vides and am impressed by not only her skills but her simple life. If I were much younger I would like to live a similar life as hers and preferably in a similar environment. Going by pictures and videos seen in many places, I think China has a much more conducive enviroment (than Australia) for this kind of living. In particular there's plenty of bamboo at hand for those things she makes needing a structural base that would take more effort, time and resource if made from wood/trees. Also bamboo is a much quicker growing resource than trees and by leaving trees we still have our carbon filters available. There's a lot which is lost in many cultures from living in cities and relying on manufacturing plants and companies that give us what we think we need and more often than not in excess, thus wasting a lot of our natural resources. I would like to think that living a more sustainable and simplistic life devoid of the ever far reaching and invasive technology we have all become so dependent on would be a healthier and more satisfying life. Our life would be packed with more healthier pursuits like living rather than blobbing in front of technology. Albeit it's that very technology that has showns us just how good life could really be if we were to live as this talented young woman does.



By Na
Dec 23 · 1 upvote
I used to religiously watch her videos, especially the one where she harvested silk worms, stretched the silk & wove them into bedding for her grandmother. I haven't watched her videos in a while…. as I feel like a loser compared to her. She is truly amazing!


Dec 25 · 8 upvotes
I have become a huge fan of her since I stumbled upon her channel since few months. I have seen almost every episode of hers and she never stops mesmerising me. I cant believe my eyes when she pick every possible thing either from her kitchen garden or from the mountains. I cant stop praising her and encouraging my family to watch her videos to enjoy the bliss of nature. I wish to encounter such beauty of nature (liziqi and her home(china)). Also i was so surprised when i got to know that its entirely her work of shooting, editing, cooking, farming and uploading the stuff. No other help except the company of her pets and grandma �. God bless you for talking about her on quora and god bless her for giving the world to savour the Mother Nature magic be it humans or the food.

自从几个月前偶然发现她的频道以来,我就成了她的超级粉丝。我几乎看过她的每一集,她总是让我着迷。当她从她的厨房花园或从山上挑选一切可能的东西时我不敢相信我的眼睛。我不停地赞美她,鼓励我的家人看她的视频享受大自然的幸福。我希望遇到这样的自然之美(李子柒和她的家(中国))。当我知道这完全是她拍摄、编辑、烹饪、耕种和上传这些东西时,我也很惊讶。除了宠物和奶奶的陪伴,没有其他帮助�. 上帝保佑,让世界享受大自然的魔力,无论是人类还是食物。

Ha Lang
Jan 7
It does have to be said though, it is kind of unrealistic. She has a lot of time consuming hobbies and know everything so well. If you would ask a regular farmer he would probably paint a different picture of agriculture. Nevertheless, I’m also now a fan of this fantasy idyllic rural China. :D



Medha Srivastava
Dec 29 · 1 upvote
I have been following her channel for over a year now. I was floored to see her video on making silk from scratch ! She is phenomenal


Eka Phantom
Jan 7 · 1 upvote
I watched this and she’s GORGEOUS! Highly skilled in planting crops, harvesting them, cooking, sewing, etc. Basically I want to live like one. This is nature living at its best and basic living with real survival skills.



Ga Bautista

Dec 24 · 8 upvotes

I watched it and obviously it’s not real. Each of the objects or food she makes demands years to learn and master it. Of course she is not doing it all by herself and without getting any speck of dust on her hair. I’m amazed how people can believe it, but it’s nice watching it, well produced videos based on a nature archetype that is appealing.



Julia Yang
Jan 4 · 1 upvote
What is amazing about her is that it is real. Yes, years of work, lots of editing, but nonetheless real. The videos are supposed to be fantasy, not representing what she spends most of her time doing. But it's not like there is a secret 50 person team doing all the farming and construction for her.


Barry Co
Jan 1
Uhm Thank you! I was looking for your comment. People have unrealistic expectations. This is their fantasy until they actually do it themsleves as how her videos trying to portray, they will be in for a huge disappointment.


Musab Abo Gali
Jan 2 · 1 upvote
On top of all that, the filming technique is just breathtaking. Her way of filming is just calm and concentrated, which is not easy to do and really adds a great deal of value to her videos.


Rajesh Kumar Gupta
Dec 31 · 1 upvote
She is not exceptional. She is super exceptional. An absolute rarity. It shows in her eyes,her walk & the flow of energy & stillness in all her movements. One can just watch in amazement.


K. Chu
Dec 30
She really let her actions do all the talking. In this way she can reach a worldwide viewer. We have to remember that not everyone speak Chinese nor can read some of the English subtitles. In the beginning it did puzzles me. Then I realized that less is more. A few Chinese and English subtitles suffice. Thumbs up for her.


Zahra Amin
Dec 22 · 1 upvote
I was wondering how she recorded the sound and picture well?
She had to change camera angles frequently. And decorating food everyday?


David Yu
Dec 23 · 3 upvotes
Some of her videos take 3 years to collect footage. I guess that’s a lot of time to put down a tripod.


Dante Wong
Dec 22 · 6 upvotes including Zahra Amin
I think she must have a crew, even if it’s only a small crew. Just looking at the different angles in the video, a one-person, one-camera crew would take hours and hours to get all of the different angles in - not to mention when they reach the post-production stage.


Thang Duong
Dec 23 · 11 upvotes
yup, in one of the videos, you can see the reflection of a crew of 4 pandas following her around. 3 carrying bamboo cameras and 1 carrying a bamboo lantern.



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