
昔日江都添锦绣,今朝城宅耀河山 | 兔年伊始畅游新春佳节的深圳,感受日新月异的城市变化

字号: A-AA+ 2023-02-10 02:35:48
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昔日江都添锦绣,今朝城宅耀河山 | 兔年伊始畅游新春佳节的深圳,感受日新月异的城市变化
本文译自Youtube,频道为:Walk East | Max | 无国内频道



从 1980 年开始,这座城市以惊人的速度发展,在中国被称为“深圳速度”。

深圳被誉为世界前 20 大高科技城市之一,绝对是中国最现代化的城市之一。尽管发展令人难以置信,但它并不是一个污染严重的城市。




通过精心规划,引入人工智能、物联网等创新技术,以及不断发展的技术环境吸引新的合作伙伴,这座城市的人口在过去 20 年里翻了一番。
社会和经济生态系统中的所有参与者必须共同努力,开发和投资新技术,像华为和腾讯一样改善互联网基础设施,共享硬件和软件市场,关注城市居民偏好的变化,并利用大数据应对这些变化 变化。

Free Assange
It's amazing to see how the Chinese government transformed SZ from a fishing village into an extraordinary modern city. China is the country of the future ������������


Ainsleyfrastructure (인슬리 하부 구조)
When I go to china, I feel like I am in the Sci-Fi Future, the Chinese Cities are mostly Sci-Fi, and Modern Looking.


Quaristice in human form
I am moving to China for work later this year (Shanghai). My family and I are so excited to live there. Your videos are so inspiring, as is China’s wonderful civilization. China is truly the leader of the world once more.


You'll enjoy it. People are very nice and mild mannered Everything is very big,  yet clean and new.  Also is within a 500 miles of most sightseeing places like Nanjing, Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Huang Shan,...  Beautiful city. Even the natural plants are superior to American plants.  And all Chinese cities are beautiful. No ghettos.


Ferdinand Ladera
I've been in Shenzhen twice 2007 and 2016, for me this city is by far the most advanced, clean and beautiful city in the world.


HK.Chinese Canadian
O my God! Shenzhen is looking more splendid than ever on this video.  Max you are back in your favourite Chinese city and the sights are mind-blowing.  The development in Shenzhen is never ending and is on a super high level.  The Metro station must be the most modern and dramatic display of architecture that I have ever witnessed.  It looks more like an alien spacecraft.  Yet Shenzhen retains the beauty of its surrounding nature with the vibrancy of a teaming metropolis.  Excellent start in the Year of the Rabbit.  Hope you had a happy Spring Festival.


Nico K
You can just bow to all the civil and structural engineers and workers who made this possible. An incredible achievement in such a short time. The Chinese people can be proud of their achievement of lifting the country out of poverty and creating such a strong industrialised nation. Chinese cities not just Shenzhen are marvels of modern engineering. Looking at the conditions of many cities and infrastructure here in the west, crumbling, dirty and full of abysmal living conditions for the working poor it really seems that China should not be feared but learned from. I know China has its fair share of problems, but we could learn what it means to build liveable cities for the masses with great transportation, cleanliness and affordable housing. Of course many people live in the high-rise suburbs of these mega cities, but even there you won’t find and of those crime ridden, dilapidated and opportunity free areas you encounter more and more in western cities. The wide range of cities and areas you show us in your videos should really be watched by western people, who often still think that China is just some backwater with some mules and farmers. I think they would be surprised.


Gh. Sider
and all of us from various countries must learn from china they have a history of building strong trade without colonizing like western nations did. The West should not only find what the worst Problem in China and demonize china! Remember China is not yet a developed country like Japan, and South Korea they still need another 30 years more maybe To prosper 1.4 billion people! Meanwhile in America they has been developed more than 100 years ago Still have problems that are not solved but are getting worse.


Jamie Rudberg
Amazing video Walk East thank you sharing it! I have been to China three times, my last trip being in June 2018, and will never forget my 4 day trip in Shenzhen. One of the most interesting and unique cities in China, especially with the transportation and newly built infrastructure! Really hope I have another opportunity to travel back to China one day, still so much more ground to cover and explore���


Florida Flip Flops
Hello from Naples, Florida. An awesome walk around Shenzhen.  Nice shopping areas, for sure. The metro was so modern. We enjoyed the scenery and views. Thanks for sharing, have a great week.


Akash Paul
I don't think so there is any other city like this (may be shaghai ) , but outside china , i don't think so neither Singapore,tokyo , nyc , this city is indeed splendid.
also thanks to you because of you only we can see China from inside, i have not seen any channel doing this type of tours.



It takes G7 forever to build a modern Chinese city life style in their countries. China represents the future of human rights, no Gun Violence, no homeless, no drug addicts and most of all, no sanguinary monopoly capitalism .......




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