
朋友第一次来中国遇到的文化冲击,努力消化中... | 博主在重庆体验中国街头生活,电动自行车最值得买

字号: A-AA+ 2023-08-25 20:08:28
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朋友第一次来中国遇到的文化冲击,努力消化中... | 博主在重庆体验中国街头生活,电动自行车最值得买


本文译自Youtube,原标题:My Friend came to China for the FIRST TIME

I am sure hes trying hard to process what he is seeing in Shanghai. I used to live in Taiwan myself and the people were nice to me but the atmosphere in Taiwan was a little boring maybe cause people are very reserved. Hopefully, I will get to share my experience in Taiwan to mainland China on my channel in the near future.
You guys enjoy your time in Shanghai and Harvey show him more and he might move to China permanently.



I've been living in China now for a couple months and it is very different.I came to work in China, aside from some culture shock, I could fit in with the community. I can enjoy travel and adventure or riding the subway and go to the mall all without the threat of being killed. The kids are not being shot in school, they're just learning and growing. The people are all given meaning and purpose and don't act out a sense of hopelessness and having nothing to lose. It is very different.Having been studying and working in the USA for 5 years, I can tell you it is much safer to live in China. Things are not perfect there in China, but at least it is improving while life in western countries going downhill as poor getting poorer. Glad you love China so much. Hope you will stay. Thanks for your video !


Western media never shows what China is like.
I am a Chinese living in a small country in the South Pacific where the indigenous people are of African ancestry. I thought that China and Africa were backward because of what I saw in old Chinese Kung fu movies and Hollywood movies of Africa. It was not until about three years ago when I realised that China and Africa were not  backward countries as I originally thought. That was when I first began watching videos of China and Africa on youtube. It was through YouTube that I got to know a lot of things I never knew of.



I was on a similar boat as you, til I realize China had advanced so much the last two decade. China don't have many media outlet to the world as per western countries, so we rarely heard of what is like around the world til internet social media become a more popular thing, where people start getting to see how other countries are like other than how the world being portrayed by their own country where the person is in.


Ahhh remember the first time I landed in China, in Shanghai to be exact. I was gobsmacked to see so many people on the street all at once. It actually scared me and I am Chinese. The only other city where i saw that many people on the street all at one time was in Cairo. Even told my taxi driver to take me back to the hotel because there were just too many people..lol
Yeah Bund is beautiful. Even more at night. Ahhh good memories of Shanghai.



The Internet blocks would worry me personally, because I depend on YouTube and Google (but I am happy to give up FaceBook!), but on the other hand, seeing all the crap and poison that's happening here, one can understand the Chinese government for wanting to shield their population from it. Hmm... ���
Edit: Maybe you can discuss this subject frankly in one of your next videos?



if you look at it from another angle. the Chinese government's foresight to establish its sovereign net shares in the fruits of digital age.  US has its Google, Amazon, Netflix and so on.  China has its Alibaba, Tencent, Baidou, and Bytedance.
EU has none. Russia has its sovereign net as well.  Imagine if China doesn't have its sovereign net.




本文译自Youtube,原标题:Life On The Streets Of China | SHOCKING AMERICANS ! | Biggest City In The World | Chongqing China

What I miss about China is the feeling of complete safety everywhere. In any U.S. cities you really have to be careful where you park the car, and which neighborhood you wander into.  My friend had his catalytic converter stolen in broad daylight.  During a recent trip to San Diego, I've seen three cases of smashed car windows and items stolen in one day, and these cars were parked in popular tourist areas by the beach.  This is ridiculous.  When I was in China I literally didn't have to worry about where I park, where to go, and when to go.


I just Google population of Chongqing in 2023 is 17,341,000. With such a densely populated city yet they are able to keep the city so neat, clean, low crime and so safe even for foreigners. I can't say for cities of US, Europe or India.


My e-bike was the best thing I ever bought. I agree, you simply explore so much more of a city and easier than cycling. I have discovered so many hidden gems in the city thanks to my bike! Even my dog rides with me!
Any person moving to China has to invest in a bike. Just pay attention to safety.



This viewer totally enjoyed your tour around Chongqing! A beautiful city, with so much to see, and so very clean.  You made the comment about how safe it is traveling about.  No worries about stealing, etc..  I must ask, is this due to the Chinese holding high values, or simply sentences handed out to those who commit crimes and are caught?  Life like this in my part of the world is considered fantasy!  Thanks for sharing!  Nice job indeed!


Because of the development of technology, it is the development of technology that has eliminated thieves.
In the past, there were also many thieves in China, and some even rode motorcycles to rob the streets. But with the development of technology, people are turning to electronic payments, and many people have not had access to cash for many years, so thieves cannot steal money. In addition, many properties that could have been stolen before (such as cars, bicycles, electric bicycles, power banks, etc.) are now shared and leased on the streets, and no one wants those things.
The popularity of street cameras has also made it impossible for thieves to escape.
In China, the only property worth stealing may be mobile phones, but as Chinese people cannot do without them, we will always hold them, so thieves have nowhere to start.





I am from the Philippines. No matter what other countries say about China, I don't believe them except China and its witnesses. I noticed, those who criticize China, looking at their countries, through their witnesses, their government should care more for their own people. I am poor in the Philippines, but I will not be stupid in believing those warmongers and detractors of China. Hoping the Philippines and China find ways of renewing their friendship.


I have not been to Chongqing but I was in Chengdu in June (no not for FISU) but I was on my way to Jiuzhaigou. Chengdu is beautiful and clean...most of all, very safe. My wife and I were out till the wee hours of the night without fear of getting mugged or killed. Of course, the scenery in Jiuzhaigou were breath taking. That trip (even though it took about 12 hours by car to get there) was well worth it. Alex, you should try it if you have not been there yet.




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关键字:海外华人,外国人看中国,外国人,外国人在中国,外国人看中国城市,外国人看中国农村,外国人看中国高科技,外国人看中国高铁 专题:其他责任编辑:管理员
来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPkvS78EZDs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlpEdran0JY