

字号: A-AA+ 2023-09-18 15:23:41
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:How China is (and isn't) fighting pollution and climate change | Angel Hsu

The American president doesn't even believe in global warming.


It's called climate change now. He believes in climate change but he agrees with 97% of published science papers that the sun determines 99.75% of our climate and there is little we can do to change it.


You are a bit misinformed. Climate change is the result of global warming. It is not a change of description or title. And human caused global warming has been a conclusion of nearly all (more than 97%, closer to 99.5%) of scientific research. I will accept the findings of scientists who are experts in their field over the rantings of the mindless idiot that is your president.


Zoe Phin
Garden Larder
"I will accept the findings of scientists who are experts in their field"
Yet you believe in fake "consensus" papers that have never been published by any actual climate scientists - only activists posing as scientists.


@Zoe PhinYou're quite the conspiracy theorist eh.


Zoe Phin
郑智林 No, I just looked at who wrote the "consensus" papers, and see that they're not climate scientists. There is not one paper written by a climate scientist. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


Dirty Poul
Zoe Phin "There is not one paper written by a climate scientist. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada."
Are you saying that climate scientiest are incredibly lazy since they've never written any papers or that climate scientiest don't exist because no climate scientist have ever written a paper?


Dirty Poul
Zoe Phin Climate scientiests don't tend to write papers on concensus. Just like how astrophysicsts don't tend to write papers on concensus or how AI researchers don't write papers on the consensus of AI research. Those are two subjects I happen to have read a few of such papers, and they were written by historians and philosophers asking the scientific community and comparing it to the past in the case of historians, or contemplating on what it means going forward in the case of the philosopher. It's part of what other people do. Like this paper on the scientific consensus of climate change by a historian of science who is asking how we can know we're right about climate change: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-65058-6_2



Dirty Poul

Funny, that paper you linked was originally published in Discover Magazine as an Op-Ed article. It was never peer-reviewed. I guess 14 years later it was finally "peer-reviewed" and published in Climate Modelling journal. What a fitting journal name for what she's doing: Modelling a fantasy reality.


Headstash Music
+Wiztard Global Warming is a component of climate change. Climate Change is still called climate change. Can you please provide sources for your claims that 97% of published science papers say 99.75% of GW is caused by the sun, cause that sounds kind of, you know, bullshitty, in the most utter sense of the word. If you don't think we can change the environment, go into a garage, start a car, and as you're dying, think how quickly the 'climate' changed and try to extrapolate that on a global level. Or, if you like living, just try looking out over a major city and tell me where that stinky yellow haze comes from, and why its over cities and not forests or parkland. Yeah nearly 7,000,000,000 of us sucking from this planet and we don't affect the environment at all........open your eyes pal.

全球变暖是气候变化的组成部分。气候变化(Climate Change)也叫气候变化(climate change)。你声称97%的已发表论文说99.75%的全球变暖是太阳造成的,你能提供来源么?因为那听起来,你知道的,说极端点,很扯淡。如果你认为我们无法改变环境,你可以去车库启动一辆车,当你快要死的时候,想想“气候”变化得有多快,然后试着在全球范围内推测。或者,如果你想活,试着想想一个大城市,然后告诉我那恶臭的黄色雾霾是怎么来的,为什么它会出现在城市上空。是的,将近70亿人从地球吸取养分而我们不影响环境......睁开你的眼睛,朋友。

Kong Kong
becoz america is a democracy and more americans don't believe in climate change than chinese, or more than almost anyone else. proves that democracy works very well


@Zoe Phinwell, if you're coming from the mindset that it's all a big conspiracy then you probably won't believe any consensus survey, peer-reviewed or otherwise. But anyway it doesn't really matter how many scientists believe in AGW, what matters is the evidence that some of these scientists have brought forth. Because again: climate scientists don't do meta-studies, they do science on climate and that science points clearly in the direction that humans do have a very significant contribution right now.
These papers most certainly go through peer-review, but more importantly they have methodology sections that allow independent confirmation (or falsification) of the results. So, if you disbelieve a paper, re-build the experiment / simulation / etc. and show what concretely is wrong or inapplicable. Don't just say it's wrong because your favourite politician or internet blogger told you it's all rubbish.



Earth Story
@Zoe PhinWhether you are a skeptic of climate science or not, don't you think it's at least a good idea to put some merit in looking for solutions JUST in case it is a problem? Why do you put more importance in the "victory" of nitpicking syntax and minor details over what could or couldn't have a seriously massive impact on you, your family, your potential children, your parents, friends, and everybody you love rather than possibly being right. That's the world today, nobody can be wrong.
Also, I bet you don't have a clue what other incoming events are going to cause global destruction in the very near future, do you?



Glad China is doing something whereas US's president doesn't even believe in climate change lol


gnomes mcgee
This is just propoganda.
The power china produces is used mostly for production factories.
The avrage chineese man lives in homes powered by coal.


My home hasn't been powered by coal in my life, and I was born in a 5th-tier city in China. Just FYI.


High school Hottie
All the green power-make options weren't invented by china :). .............And China emits 10 times the CO2 into the atmosphere that the usa does - this CO2 then goes into the sea to create acid that kills the planets plankton tiny sea plants that make 66% of the oxygen you (yes you) breathe right now ... you moron !! :).


Hansheng Zhou
Did Everyone forgot Obama and China already?


Kana Unigame
@High school HottieUSA's CO2 production per capita is higher than China :)...... And whoever invented green energy doesn't matter - who's actually putting to use does. and if you've (yes you) been actually watching the video, you'd know that China's leading in Hydropower, wind power, and solar energy ... you moron !! :)


High school Hottie I dont think what you said is fair. China simply has more people, and US has 5 times more carbon emission than world average. But it is the fact that China is willing to change that matter. US isnt willing to change due to the elites’ investment in personal automobile and heavy industry.


Justinian the Great
Us has been the leading in environment meanwhile china has not changed.


Justinian the Great
@And-ySBs once again, china has been the no.1 polluter in the planet while US has been the one leading in saving it. Go to china and please compare the conditions to US and you'll see your facts. US companies has been recycling while china has never change.


Justinian the Great
@And-ySalgore once said that ice in northpole will melt in 2015, its been 4 years since that has passed.


Michael Priest
Just remember that China and India are the number 1 producers of pollution still. America has lowered emissions and pushes toward a cleaner environment regardless of what the president thinks. You are just brainwashed.


Michael Priest
And-yS that is the biggest lie ever to say that the US is doing nothing” about climate change.


@Michael Priestnever said US is doing nothing. Some of the best mind in the field is US scientist. But its kind of hard when ur president just named a person that think CO2 will make the world a better place


Adrien Debernardi
Also, don't forget that China has more than 1.5 billion inhabitants. China may be the 1st polluter on the globe, when you take that per inhabitant, US and other countries (for example EU countries) are awfully bad polluters. Go ahead China, lead the way since the US wont.


Niza Laporre
Even if you take the 1.5 billion people, each individually has an average of a CO2 footprint a tiny fraction of those in rich western countries. The main source of pollution in China and CO2 emissions is to produce things that other countries consume.  Should this pollution be the fault of producers (China) or those that off-shored this production capacity and consume these goods?  If rich western countries like USA or Canada or UK made its own crap, their emissions would be much higher.


That's because the average citizen can't afford things like cars to cause pollution.


+Daniel uh really...China's Middle class is booming and are more than capable of funding for private transportation. But they don't need/want it. China's public transportation innovation is off the charts, able to move people through cities quickly and efficiently.


You have the numbers to support your idea?


Zoe Phin
Adrien Debernardi
co2 is not pollution, dummy, and it doesn't cause warming.


Adrien Debernardi
@Zoe Phinyeah. And because earth is flat, it flows on the side anyways so why bother


@zoephinActually it does. A lot of science has been done. Not all gases have the same ability to store heat energy. They have done many controlled experiments on this heat storing ability and found that among the few gases that are markedly able to store heat are methane and sulphur oxides, and CO2 as well.
And if that doesnt make you think, at least think of how the human has evolved to live in a certain kind of environment. For example in industries even Oxygen has to be a certain level between 19% and 24% Oxygen to be ok. Even the life giving oxygen will poison us if it is too high. What is that? a range of +/-2%. That is so small a range, its insane if you think about it. Change oxygen by 2% and it harms us. Now CO2 has changed by 33%. Old science books are now obsolete, because that 0.03% CO2 in the books are now wrong. This is definitely not ok.
It affects the plants too. Plants "eat" CO2. How can it be bad to have more of it? Well, new studies has found a link between reduced nutrients in our food due to CO2. No, theres no mysterious magic thing in this one. Plants simply are able to make glucose(read: carb/starch) better with more CO2 while the nutrients stay the same. The nutrients simply get diluted amongst the high calorie food. We need to consume more calories to obtain the same amount of nutrients.
I doubt the human body is evolving fast enough to account for the changes we have introduced in the environment. Perhaps you may think differently and if so, so be it. I have delivered these info, and now onto you to decide to believe it or not.






Abhay Sharma
If every citizen of the world would live like an average American it would need 5 earths, And Europeans are doing far better than Americans in countering the climate change but the climate change would hugely affect the US the more warmer temperature leads to a more severe hurricane which can also reach the trump tower to take him away with wind.


The Drive man
Daniel yep my cousin lives in Shenzhen China and despite the fact that his earns over 200k dollars per year he still barely buys his first
100 m squared little cozy house(which costs him about 150 million, in dollars). I bet other average person surely couldnt buy a house of his own, not to mention the car


John Lu
CO2, in essence, is not nearly as destructive as some of the other chemical species in the atmosphere like ones that cause radical reactions to damage the Ozone Layer, since it is a naturally existing component of air, but what an excess amount of CO2 can do is disrupt the equilibrium of the atmospheric system of heat and mass transfer causing hard-to-predict changes, aka Climate Change which includes warming in some parts on Earth during some periods. Like how this summer felt hotter than ever before.


Htin Moe
China not only has more porpulation than all the countries of the western world combined, China also is the factory of the world. China is making thing and doing dirty jobs such as recycling for the world.
Compare to the services China gives to the world, the emissions per capita in China is still much lower than the west.
China is doing a good job here.




Rachel Yi
You probably don't know that western countries are used to exporting their garbage to China because they can't handle it themselves. They do this to developing countries all the time. Of course their pollution is not that bad lmao but it's not like they really take responsibilities; instead, they brought the problems to poorer and weaker countries so they can prentend some pollution don't exist.


Eddie L
@DanielChina is the biggest auto market. bigger than America. what year r u living in? 1970?


Niza Laporre Do you really know something about mainland China?


Fei Han
@Niza Laporre us military carbon emissions or pollution is way worse than any other country and you know why


@The Drive man There were 7 million more cars sold in China than the US last year... China also has as many electric cars as the rest of the world COMBINED.  So you don't know what you are saying.  In any event - Shenzen has a very vast local subway/metro system...  It also has all electric buses and taxis.  So you don't even need a car in Shenzen... Which reduces your emissions more than even if you had an electric car.


jorge pearl
if USA doesn't lead in climate change, I hope China does, if not we are all doomed


@Justinian the Greatlol why should we believe in US that started basically most of the war happening on Earth today, and cancelled half of the treaties it signed, and are proven to be spying on everyone, and with a president that doesn't even believe that human are polluting the Earth    instead of China, the country that had the biggest amount of forest growth, biggest renewable energy  power plants, and a government that is working on a solution for problem instead of acting like the problem doesn't exist?


jay dani
@-SFA北美分局233actually it was the British not Americans that started most wars


@jay daniI'm talking about war happening "today", not wars in history. Afterall, US only had a history of 244 years, and it was at war formally or informally for more than 200 years


jay dani
@-SFA北美分局233 well all major nations have a history of war ur country probably does too.
And America hasn't fought any wars for nefarious purposes.


Xiao Chang
I live in east of Chinathe climate is going better than past years.


Niels Robben
ironic to see that China is leading the important initiative for the future wellbeing of humanity. Where US is doing the opposite actually. I wont be supprised this may result in jump in wealth and growth in China, while this may add US economy at risk in the next 10 years or so. Or at least lost potential revenue.


China creates the most pollution in the world. Even more than India. The people there are advised to not even go outside for long periods of time several days out of the year. What are you talking about?


Zoe Phin
Niels Robben
Solar panel production creates a lot of pollution. This type of pollution makes solar panels more expensive in the US, which puts China at a competitive advantage.


Niels Robben funny though. US is doing other tactics to prevent China's economic growth


Unicorn Blood
America's politicians and their campaigns are after all, strongly funded by big oil companies. Which is corrupt considering America wages disportionately extensive wars in oil rich Middle East and does not acknowledge the paris climate change pact as a legit concern.


weiqiang yang
The air quality is much better than last year in HangZhou, I think that's a improvement


Hope some one leads the way, cause the west has failed and is slowly falling apart.


Dirty Poul
The EU is doing pretty well for the most part. We do have issues, but nothing as glarring as the US.




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关键字:气候变化,应对气候变化 专题:社会责任编辑:管理员