
杭州亚运会开幕式:灯光秀仿佛置身于未来 | 开幕式让下一届东道主面临巨大的压力 | 印度队进场,印度网友对杭州亚运会羡慕又嫉妒

字号: A-AA+ 2023-09-24 17:44:31

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杭州亚运会开幕式:灯光秀仿佛置身于未来 开幕式让下一届东道主面临巨大的压力 印度队进场,印度网友对杭州亚运会羡慕又嫉妒


Such modern looking architecture. It's cool to see everything synchronized together across entire buildings like that.


Beautiful and forever romantic city Hangzhou, with or without the Asean Olympic Game. A city not to be missed.


Truly an eye opener for the world to watch the spectacular Hangzhou city by night with spectacular light and along with the Chinese in a warm and exciting manner.


extraordinary, very futuristic, I felt like I in the future. Congratulations to China, you have succeeded impressing the world! Respect and Love from indonesia!


I'm a White Aussie male. I have travelled to China. I was pleasantly surprised. It was NOTHING LIKE what we've been told back home. It was futuristic, the citizens were fit, the Civic Infrastructures were second to none, their Civic Services were cheap, the whole country was clean, there we NO offensive Graffiti but the little that existed were extremely artistic, and I felt SAVE throughout China, whether is was day time, or 3am in the morning. I found that the Citizens of China have enormous amount of freedom, compared to USA where I was constantly told NOT to go to certain suburbs, or even dare venture the cities of LA or NYC after midnight.
Even the Police in China are Civic Police. They carry NO GUNS, and were extremely helpful when I approached them for guidance. Some even escorted me to the nearby places I was seeking. In USA, the Police are Militia Police. They were Utility Belts full of arsenals (gun, baton, taser, pepper pray, tie ropes, etc) and when you approach them, many would talk to you with their hand hovering over their gun.
My suggestion to all ... do NOT base judgement on China at what you've been told by Western Media ... you need to GO TO CHINA to see the truth. That is the ONLY WAY you'll get to see the REAL CHINA.

我是一名澳大利亚白人男性,我曾经去过中国,我感到非常惊喜,因为它与我们在国内听到的完全不同。中国充满了未来感,国民体魄强健,市政基础设施首屈一指,市政服务价格低廉,整个国家干净整洁,没有令人反感的涂鸦,仅有的几处涂鸦也极富艺术气息。无论是白天还是凌晨 3 点,我在整个中国都感受到了安全。我发现中国公民拥有极大的自由,而在美国,我经常被告知不要去某些郊区,我甚至不敢在午夜后冒险前往洛杉矶或纽约市。

中国的警察也都是民警(Civic Police),他们不会携带枪支,当我向他们寻求帮助时,他们非常乐于助人,有些人甚至还护送我到附近我想去的地方。而在美国,警察都是民兵警察(Militia Police),他们的腰带上挂满了武器(包括枪支、警棍、泰瑟枪、胡椒粉、绑绳等),当你走近他们时,很多人会用手捂着枪跟你说话。


USA and European countries people do not know how safe china is now and chinese people are enjoying really freedom , now it is safe in all places of china and china now do not have homeless people , well done ,china


Only in China. I saw a down scale version of this a few years ago in Shanghai. Though USA had similar things, I never witnessed anything like this, with smart Building lights to compliment the surrounding exhibition.


What is really, truly amazing is that no one seems to be apprehensive about crime or pick pocket. They probably all feel completely safe!


Why can we not having something like this in the west or in my country USA??... yes only in my dreams.. I can wait for another 50 years and will never happen.

为什么我们不能在西方或我的国家美国拥有这样的东西??是的,只有在梦里才有。虽然我可以再等 50 年,但这永远不会发生。


本文译自Youtube,原标题:Hangzhou Set to Wow World with Groundbreaking Opening Ceremony of Asian Games
I don't think the Olympic and Asian Games committee and organizer dare to trust South Asia country ability to host and organize these 2 importance international events for the next 30 years.
China has proven in 2008 by hosting the Beijing Olympic and last year Winter Olympic in Beijing too. Again now in Hangzhou hosting Asian Game.

我不认为奥委会和亚组委敢相信南亚国家有能力在未来 30 年主办和组织这两项重要的国际赛事。

中国在 2008 年举办的北京奥运会和去年在北京举办的冬奥会已经证明了这一点,他们现在又在杭州举办了亚运会。

The best show ever, 2023 Hangzhou Asian Game opening ceremony.

2023 年杭州亚运会的开幕式是有史以来最精彩的开幕式。

Noone, repeat noone can beat Chinese in showbiz


I just watched the opening ceremony and China just made me realize how mediocre my country really is.


개막식이 왠만한 올림픽 개막식 능가하는 멋지네요


That's great china open ceremony amazing when I see my Pakistan ������ flag. pak������ china ������ forever we are one nation our friend ship endless ���������❤������sooo excited to see these game in century


Huge pressure for the next host..how will they make the opening show at the level that Chinese presented or be better..good luck


We hope every games should be judge fair n square. No to cooking show.

我们希望每场比赛都能得到公平公正的评判,拒绝cooking show。

Like the Philippines always won their bball games when they are home. While they are away, turn into boxing instead of bball


Anyone who comments negatively does so because of deep-seated jealousy.


Western media does not report this event.



本文译自Youtube,原标题:ASIAN GAME INDIA OPENING CEREMONY | India Asian Game FLAG marche | Asian Game 2023
I'm jealous china is very beautiful or developed


Don't be jealous or think such ...rather work for individual & collective development.


China's per capita income lower than Burundi ������

中国的人均收入低于布隆迪。[笑哭][笑哭](译注:2022年布隆迪人均GDP 238.4美元)

@user-rj9mj7nq3u   kabhi kabhi Jealous mai acha kaam ho jta h


India tops only in population ���


@wbgsuk  chewtiye China is 2nd most populated, these two countries were always high in population because of fertile lands, high standard of living and good temperature


2036 Ka wait Karo Ham Olympic Host Karenge ������������


@bhartiya2068 abhi nhi decide hua h ��� shayad 2036 mei olympics india mei naa ho kyonki india Kosovo ke athletes ko visa nhi deta h kisi bhi sporting event pr aur Kosovo IOC ka member h aur dusra india ki medal ��� tally bahut kharab h ab tak sirf 35 medals ��� jeete h hm log aur US ka 2959 medals aur China ka 762 medals!!


China did this time simple because of economic slowdown in China so it's looking very simple but simplicity is best for Humanity


Your accused slowdown economy , China, has been hosting two International Sport events in 2023. Chengdu Youth Olympic in July 2023 and Hangzhou Asian Games. I wonder is there any other country who has the economic's power like China. Maybe India could afford it?

被指责经济增长放缓的中国在 2023 年举办了两项国际体育赛事,即2023 年 7 月的成都世界大学生运动会和杭州亚运会。我在想还有哪个国家像中国一样拥有如此强大的经济实力?也许印度能负担得起?

@sonyadewi7019  Yeah it was only $30 billion investment so low for a country of $19T economy


No, the theme is Green. You should see the robots, driverless cars, 5G, and 3D AR used in the game.

不,这是因为这次亚运会的主题是绿色,你应该看看赛事中使用的机器人、无人驾驶汽车、5G 和 3D 虚拟现实。

You are so jealous. But jealousy will never make your country great.


With riots in Manipur, separatists in Kashmir, Naxalite insurgency, Khalistani resentment, wrestler's protest, massive unemployment, rising farmers suicides, falling groundwater levels, communal tensions,religion politics,north-south india sentiments,uttar pradesh crime rate,poverty,bihar overpopulated,income gap,woman safety,global warming,infrastructure problems,train safety.




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关键字:杭州亚运会,亚运会,杭州亚运会开幕式,外国人看亚运会,印度人看亚运会,外国人看中国,外国人看中国城市,外国人看中国农村,外国人看中国高科技,外国人看中国高铁网 专题:社会责任编辑:管理员
来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F71l7TmUwEQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lDI3tVpWOA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHBNznidlvA