
杭州亚运会开幕式充满了未来感,喜欢中国主办的赛事,没有乱七八糟的事情 | 令人目不暇接的高科技,中国以一己之力将亚洲推向了世界之巅

字号: A-AA+ 2023-09-25 15:32:03
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杭州亚运会开幕式充满了未来感,喜欢中国主办的赛事,没有乱七八糟的事情 令人目不暇接的高科技,中国以一己之力将亚洲推向了世界之巅


油管热议杭州亚运会开幕式:充满了未来感,喜欢中国主办的赛事,没有LGBT 宣传,非常中立且不带政治色彩
本文译自Youtube,原标题:Hangzhou Asian Games in China open with futuristic ceremony
When Syria athletes entered the stadium, there erupted thunderous applause and cheers from the Chinese audience.


im a Chinese working and living in Qatar , thanks for Al Jazeera for the objective report about china not same as western media.hand-purple-blue-peace


The success and hope for peace that China brings to the world's stage is hard to ignore. But sadly, the West tries.
China has won the hearts and minds of the majority of the world, with peace, science, technology,  engineering and medicine.
I'm from the US, IChina!



Awesome job from the organizers��� It was good to see our Nepali athletes there too���������


I don't think the Olympic Council, organizer and committee will trust South Asia country with the same more than 1.4 billion population like China has the ability to host and organize Olympic Game and Asian Game events for the next 30 years. China has already proven more than 10 years ago they have hosted the Beijing Olympic and was said to be the best Olympic Game ever before. Also Winter Olympic Game in Beijing last year and now again hosting Asian Games.

我不认为奥林匹克理事会、组织者和委员会会相信像中国一样拥有 14 亿多人口的南亚国家有能力在未来 30 年主办和组织奥运会和亚运会赛事。中国在十多年前就已经做出了证明,它们举办了北京奥运会并被认为是有史以来最好的奥运会。去年在北京还举办了冬奥会,现在又再次举办了亚运会。

Wow the display is spectacular. This is next level. The best I have seem. Cant imagine the pressure the next host is gonna have. This is unbeatable


From Mega sporting events like Olympics , Youth Olympics , Universiade , Asian Games , Asian Youth Games , Asian Winter Games and Asian Beach Games , They already have sufficient amount of experience , infrastructure and professional management to manage multi sports event , so i won't worried too heavily
By the way, Good luck to all teams


although the ceremony was futuristic, the performances were so rich with their ancient culture. an incredibly beautiful fusion


I'm from Pakistan ������ but amazing opening ceremony not seen opening ceremony like this even in Olympics���������������


"The worse Russia's relations are with the West, the closer Russia will want to be to China. If China supports you, no one can say you're isolated," said Vasily Kashin, a China expert at the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) think thank.
The same can be said about Syria. If China supports Syria, no one can say that Syria will be isolated.

“俄罗斯与西方的关系越糟糕,俄罗斯就越想与中国走得更近”。战略与技术分析(CAST)智库的中国问题专家瓦西里-卡申(Vasily Kashin)说:“如果中国支持你,就没人能说你被孤立了”。


The Chinese people naturally express deep sympathy and love for Syria. Because China is also a country ravaged by imperialism. Chinese people pay tribute to the Syrian people and are convinced that Syria will be built better and better


And this is how out of the many ways China create its GDP, just look at the amount of spending, creation and services both internally and externally are out together for this Asian Games. Cool ���

这就是中国创造 GDP 的多种方式中的一种,看看这次亚运会内外部的消费、创造和服务的数量就知道了。酷[大拇指]。

Well done boys & girls those participated and excel in their field of sports, meanwhile Western world going through a gender confusion ������


i like when china host coz no LGBT propaganda and very neutral no politics. If its the west most probably male atheletes will compete in women sports which is just unfair

我喜欢中国主办赛事,因为没有 LGBT 宣传,非常中立且不带政治色彩。如果是西方主办,很可能会有男性运动员参加女性运动员的比赛,这太不公平了。

It's better for them to have own LBGT Olympics since they like so much LBGT

对他们来说,拥有自己的 LGBT 奥运会更好,因为他们非常喜欢 LGBT。

When can india do this??


Last hosted asia games 41 years ago
Commonwealth games in 2010 was a diaster

印度上一次举办亚运会是在 41 年前,2010 年的英联邦运动会是一场灾难。

2018 asian games jakarta much better


I'm sorry even though I'm asean
I have to say Hangzhou is on another level.


Lol, those politically corrupted & gagged by printed USD western mainstream media, are so obvious, cos they sticks out like sour grapes. Not a whimper from them on the incredible spectacular opening ceremony of Asian Games 2023 in China.

哈哈,那些政治上腐败且被美元印刷品堵住嘴的西方主流媒体是如此明显,因为它们的酸葡萄心理是如此突出。对于中国 2023 年亚运会令人难以置信的壮观的开幕式,它们一声不吭。

After watching the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, you basically dont need to watch the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. If its level can reach half of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, it will be considered a super success.
But in my heart, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games cannot be surpassed, and the same is true for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, which is unparalleled. I think China will not bid to host the Olympics for a long time in the future. Unlike 2008, A rising China no longer needs an Asian Games or Olympic Games to prove itself.


但在我心中,2008年北京奥运会开幕式是无法超越的,无与伦比的2022年北京冬奥会也是如此。我认为在未来很长一段时间内,中国都不会再申办奥运会了,因为与 2008年不同,崛起中的中国不再需要亚运会或奥运会来证明自己。

Obviously none of any G7 country able to achieve or close to organize this type of Open Ceremony like Hangzhou, China did.
Well done China



This opening ceremony is telling the world that this is Asia's century, and that includes Russia (which Europe has firmly rejected). Asia, no matter whether it's China, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, North Korea, Russia or Pakistan, are all in it together, working together for a better future where they are no longer second class citizens.


Asia was destroyed by American butchers, and China promised to rebuild it and restore the glory of Asias civilization and prosperityAsia needs peaceful development and rejects US weapons and soldiers



本文译自Youtube,原标题:Asian games 2023 in Hangzhou, China: A mesmerizing hi-tech opening ceremony
I have never seen such a stunning opening ceremony of the Asian Games. Mainland China is amazing.


Bravos! This is the most advanced and magnificent show on earth at all time. Proud of you, China, Asian and the whole world!


I have already watched the opening ceremony twice and I cant get enough; China single-handedly put Asia on the top of the world; I am so proud of China; Chinese people are incredible and so bright and hardworking; their history extends to 5000 years; viva China( I am not Chinese but I am proud of them)

我已经看了两遍开幕式,意犹未尽。中国以一己之力将亚洲推向了世界之巅,我为中国感到骄傲。中国人令人难以置信,他们是如此聪明勤劳,他们的历史长达 5000 年。中国万岁(虽然我不是中国人,但我为他们感到骄傲)。

Why has western media shown so little of this magnificent opening ceremony? It know it could NEVER EVER compete with the skill of the Chinese. PURE JEALOUSY.


I think we Americans have a lot to learn from China, in terms of technology, diplomacy, and especially personal attitude and behavior.


Great opening ceremony, i am a Chinese living in United States since 1982.
I am so proud of my country's advancement in technology, art, beauty, and civilization.
May God bless China, give peace, strength, and prosperity .

盛大的开幕式!我是一个从 1982 年起就生活在美国的中国人。



Wow this is the best Olympic opening I have seen. China is raising the bar really high. Well done China������


Excellent performance. No country come near to such demonstrattion of electrkonic wizardy & showmanship. No baldvheaded vulture or snake can match such performance. Kudus to the organiser.


In Canada, they only showed 2 Chinese performers doing rehearsals with wires visible around their bodies in order to show negative side of it. The clips was only 12 seconds. They didn't show any real opening ceremony. Too embarrassed to show it.

在加拿大,它们只播放了两名中国演员在排练时身体周围绑着明显的金属线的片段以展示其消极的一面,这些片段只有 12 秒钟,它们没有播放任何真正的开幕式,因为它们羞于展示。

There are screens on the ground. And those hanging vertical screens are actually transparent. So anyone sitting behind that screen can still see the ground performance. This new tech I just learned yesterday. If u have seen it somewhere, it normally a small size. Have u ever seen such big size? Thousands of square meters screens and they can be stepped on without damage.


I am a chinese who live in Germany since 2004; I studied also several years in Hangzhou. I saw the amazing changes in technique and daily life every time i had my trip back. I know too well about our history in the past 200 years and also how hardworking the Chinese people is. just want to say  to my Chinese countrymen: you deserve all these achievements and good luck!  p.s.: Thanks for this channel.

我是一个自 2004 年起就在德国生活的中国人,我也曾在杭州学习过几年。每次回国,我都能看到技术和日常生活方面的惊人变化。我太了解我们过去 200 年的历史了,也太了解中国人民是多么勤劳了。我只想对我的中国同胞说:这些成就都是你们应得的,祝你们好运!感谢这个频道。

关键字:杭州亚运会,亚运会开幕式,杭州亚运会开幕式,外国人看杭州亚运会,外国人看杭州,外国人看中国 专题:社会责任编辑:管理员
来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSTVEFxY5Vg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTIPmZfQyo