

字号: A-AA+ 2023-10-07 01:38:37
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本文译自Youtube,原标题:2023 Asian Games Hangzhou | Medal Table | 2 October (Day 9) #asiangames


Difference in number of medals between China and India is almost proportional to the difference in their economy that is around 4.5 times.
Not ignoring the fact that India has improved a lot and it would take 3 asian games more to be in top 2 position in medals tally



Have to see, the athletics and wrestling just started which is a strong point for india. Maybe it could happen in this game. Also china got to many medals in karate which had many weight categories but indian games like kabbadi only has 2 medals


Nominal (something that exists in name only and not in reality) GDP is not the real GDP. Indian GDP is 14 trillion compared to Chinese 29 trillion. Go check what figure CIA factbook uses.
By your nominal Gdp logic Russian economy is less than half of Germany when in real terms it is bigger than Germany and that is the truth.



But in my opinion china not play big sports like India ex cricket and hockey so in my opinion India and China equal


@okman9684 karate is Japanese sports. So why single out China here? Why not complain about boxing and taekwondo too?


@okman9684 Judo and taekwondo are the strengths of Japan and South Korea. In these two sports, China won less than half of their MEDALS


@okman9684  India was denied gold in both long jump and 100 metres hurdles due to Chinese umpires playing games.




Is your future 100 years or 200 years in the future? . . ? It is unwise to remain obsessed with unrealistic fantasies without facing reality.

你说的未来是指100年后还是200年后?. . ? 沉迷于不切实际的幻想而不面对现实是不明智的。

India has similar results from the last 3 asian games. it’s more like stagnating instead of improving


@henonaga9879 india only had 70 medals in the previous game in jakarta and 57 medals the year before. So seeing this you can see it's improving with more medals to come so the medals are rising with a growth of 40-50% each game from 2014


Chinese Athlets and sports persons are trained from 10-12 age under strict military decipline to perform or perish. This fear drives them towards gold medal.


If you don't face up to your opponents, but lie to yourself, you will not progress


China should just send its C team from next Asian Games, even then it will still top the tally but atleast give some opportunity to other countries too


Does any big European nation does that in Euro cup??
Talk some sense


In this event there are so many Chinese games like karate, wushu, xianqui inserted with too many medals while others games had only two medals except for athletics, swimming, shooting etc


Just like the products that chinese make unless they copy them lol, all these A team players are barely winning with all the steroids and umpiring help. Real chinese can barely fight, their martial arts is a sham


@okman9684 karate and wushu is already part of game since a long time. So no excuse if other countries failed to compete. That's their fault. In traditional sports events China still dominate the medal. So if you drop some non traditional sports China still able to take more medals.


India needs to improve its gold ... Otherwise , it may soon loose its position to Taipei & Uzbekistan .... Performance is much better this time but very few gold medals

印度需要提高其金牌数... 否则,它可能很快就会输给中国台北和乌兹别克斯坦...虽然这次的表现好多了,但金牌很少。

Last time India had total 68 medals out of which 16 were gold,they are gonna definitely surpass that record


한국은 ��� 동메달이 제일 많네 동메달로 따지면 한국이 1위.


왜 이렇게 이상해?금메달 대신 동메달을 달라고?���


India always come up with excuse... reality they beated by China BADLY.. 8 GOLD MEDAL(INDIA) VS 100+ GOLD MEDAL (CHINA) ���������������


@ragnarokws2670  lol u dont even play the most popular sports in world like football, hockey or cricket, u think u can play something like rugby or kabbadi ��� ���


@ragnarokws2670 brother try your luck in hockey ���,cricket , kabbadi , javelin like sport you will know your fate ...Neeraj Chopra is a living legend you can't beat him in javelin , and kabbadi , and hockey will destroy you and cricket ������ China vs India match is going to be ��� helmet brust of China batsman ....I want you guys to play cricket with us .. I can assure you we will injurd 11 out of 11...

兄弟,试试你们在曲棍球、板球、卡巴迪、标枪等运动中的运气,你就会知道自己的命运... 尼拉杰-乔普拉(Neeraj Chopra)是一个活着的传奇,你们无法在标枪、卡巴迪和曲棍球中击败他,他会在曲棍球和板球运动中摧毁你们。中国对印度的比赛将以中国击球手的头盔爆裂而结束....,我想你们和我们一起打板球,我可以向你们保证,我们将打爆你们11个人中的每个人...

@Mbbs-bb6zz  but india only get 10+ gold medal why should i try my luck anymore? You guys cant even get half gold medals compare to China.. ������


@ragnarokws2670 How can we win when u cant even play the most popular sports in world? You will need to import Africans like gulf to face India in real track and field sports.


really surprised, how North Korea begs 7 gold?


Why would you be surprised? North Korea has always been in top 10 of Asian games, they have won gold in gymnastics, weightlifting and Judo at this games. I think they will win around 10-12 gold medals by the end.


@Andhrudu308 lol��� and so are chinese. Im sure China has helped big time North Korea around this time. Also this asian games is marred with bad judgements especially against India. Indian athletes are harassed right in the middle of their games by the officials.


@MukeshPathak-dxb  I think all the other countries that don't have enough medals or haven't won think the same thing as you. ���


It has a population of 1.4 billion! Look at that medalist! China is a shameful country!China's population is 30 times that of Korea and 11 times that of Japan!


If someone was taught by Confucianism, would understand that making excuses is useless. Keep making excuses for comfort yourself and lose more in the future haha.


@ragnarokws2670  India is winning all the track and field and running, it is african imports by gulf countries that are stealing gold medals away and cheating by chinese umpires otherwise only India plays real track and field game and wins them.
how come chinese gold increase by 3 times in boxing every time the games are held in china, ur despicable immoral dictatorship only knows to cheat



Im an indian but yeah i must say that chinese are so hardworking academically as well as in sports ,India should improve their training in sports like individual ones like swimming etc etc than team sports and India should really stop trying to make every kids doctor and engineer (lol) and help them grow in sports or arts.


Indians fcukers alternate between crying foul and wanting to copy and steal Chinese methods and emulate China's success. Just admit loser India - an illegitimate birthchild of criminal Father England - is all fcuked up.


India should focus on the development of agriculture instead of dreaming of an unrealistic big country, because in the eyes of us Chinese, India is a backward, poor and insignificant agricultural country. Indians do not pay attention to hygiene and have poor infrastructure, so India should concentrate on farming to feed the huge poor people in India.


Cut Copy paste China is not called developed. There are multiple sector China is behind India. Also China is made by foreign countries industry & investment. India is self made.




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