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近5届亚运会点火仪式中哪家最棒,杭州还是雅加达?| 亚运会VS美运会开幕式 | 亚运会金牌榜前10名(1951-2023),中日相继称霸
油管热议近5届亚运会点火仪式:最棒的是杭州还是雅加达?印尼网友很狂热Every Asian Games has its own unique characteristics. However, this time in China, due to the use of many green technologies and the latest technology, it looks even better.每届亚运会都有其独到之处。不过,这次在中国举办的亚运会由于采用了许多绿色环保技术和最新的科技,它看起来更加出色。
Qatar is quite impressive... The mounts for the Chinese Imperial Cavalry were indeed the Khamsin Arabian horses from the Persian Gulf.卡塔尔令人印象深刻... 中国皇家骑兵的坐骑确实是来自波斯湾的阿拉伯马。
Untuk tahun ini bener bener ketebak sih konsepnya ��� menggabungkan teknologi dengan seni menjadikan sebuah karya yg luar biasa最出色的是今年的杭州亚运会,这是可以预见的,科技与艺术的结合造就了非凡的作品。
Gak seru.Penonton tuan rumah aja banyak yg bengong..Bangku penonton juga banyak yg kosongMenurut ku ini agak membosankan sih.Menurutku msih meriah pembukaan di IndonesiaKonsepnya benar2 natural dan gak berlebihan杭州的开幕式并不精彩,很多主场观众都惊呆了...观众席上也有很多空座位,我觉得有点无聊。
Asian games Hangzhou, keren bangett, modern dan fantastik..
Fake itu hologram raksasa larinya. cuma keliatan di TV, tpi di realnya ga ada. Kembang apinya jg ga ada, pake animasi cuma keliatan di TV. Malu2in.全息跑动的巨人是假的,它只是在电视上看起来有,但实际上并不存在。烟花也不存在,使用的是电视上才有的动画。你们真无耻。
barusan nyadar, china emang ekonomi-nya kuat banget... habis olympic beijing 2008, lanjut dengan asia games guangzhou 2010, sekarang sudah bikin asia games hangzhou dengan jarak sekitar 13 tahun, sementara negara2 yang lain masih engap sama biaya pembangunan infrastruktur dan penyelenggaraan ���我才意识到中国的经济实力确实非常强大......继2008年北京奥运会之后,他们接着举办了2010年的广州亚运会,现在时隔13年他们又举办了杭州亚运会,而其他国家还在为基础设施建设和组织成本而苦苦挣扎。[笑哭]
Salut buat Indonesia, persiapannya cuman 2 tahun tapi hasilnya bagus bgt, klo yg lain enak 4 tahun persiapannya, btw kenapa yg di Indonesia persiapannya cuman 2 tahun karena sebenarnya tahun 2018 tuan rumahnya bukan di Indonesia tapi di vietnam, vietnam tiba" mendadak tidak bisa jadi tuan rumah karena alasan gak ada dana, akhirnya Indonesia yg menggantikan向印尼致敬,虽然它们只有2年时间准备,但效果非常好,如果像其他国家一样有4年的准备时间就好了。顺便说一下为什么印尼的准备时间只有2年,因为其实2018年亚运会的东道主不是印尼而是越南,但越南由于缺乏经费突然无法主办了,所以最后是印尼接替了它。
iya kalo persiapan hangzhou tuh 5 tahun karena ketolong covid kalau indo tuan rumah mendadak karena gantiin nguyen没错,杭州因为有疫情的帮助筹备了5年,而印尼是突然取代了越南的东道主身份。
Bangga banget liat ceremony yg di jakarta. Bikin merinding terharu keren bgt. Tp sedih knp sih indonesia hebat tp kok masih aja suka di pandang sebelah mata di mata internasional看到雅加达的开幕式真的很自豪,这让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩,但也让我很难过。印尼如此伟大,但在国际上仍被低估。
China ga heran sih always bagus banget opening nya, apalagi olimpiade Beijing 2008 lalu gila sih一点也不奇怪,中国的开幕式一直都那么棒,尤其是 2008 年北京奥运会的开幕式,简直是太疯狂了。
For your info yang ngedirect opening olimpiade Beijing 2008 itu Zhang Yimou, seorang sutradara terkenal di china dan banyak filmnya. Yang direct opening ceremony Asian Games 2022 merupakan mantan asisten nya Zhang Yimou供您参考,2008年北京奥运会开幕式的导演是张艺谋,他是中国的著名导演,他执导过许多电影。执导2022年亚运会开幕式的是张艺谋的前助手。
i've heard that actually, most of the impressive stuff at the Hangzhou opening ceremony is just visuals on the monitor. If you are there, most of the stuff didn't actually happen - including the fireworks.我听说其实杭州亚运会开幕式给人留下深刻印象的场景大多只是显示器上的视觉效果。如果你在现场,大部分东西其实并没有发生--包括烟花。
I was there . . . no, those happened and they are 3-D as if China mastered the art of holograms. That's why the future is China and China is the future.我就在现场. . .不,这些都发生了,而且它们是三维的,中国似乎掌握了全息艺术。这就是为什么未来就是中国,中国就是未来。
油管热议亚运会VS美运会开幕式:杭州亚运会开幕式上的数字人和烟花都是假的?Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony is just too awesome
i've heard that actually, most of the impressive stuff at the Hangzhou opening ceremony is just visuals on the monitor. If you are there, most of the stuff didn't actually happen - including the fireworks.我听说杭州亚运会开幕式给人留下深刻印象的东西实际上大部分都是屏幕上的视觉效果。如果你在现场,大多数东西其实并没有发生--包括烟花。
Giant running hologram is fake, fireworks is fake too. Awesome? booo. it is like they want to show to the world they are great. but, fake. My country asian games Indonesia better than them.巨人奔跑全息图是假的,烟花也是假的。精彩?嘘。他们似乎想向全世界展示他们的伟大,但是,都是假的。我的国家印尼的亚运会开幕式比他们更好。
@vanelruxys8358 China holds top international competitions every year, and there is no need to prove anything. More importantly, it is environmental protection.中国每年都举办国际顶级赛事,它不需要证明什么。更重要的是环保。
@zot2698 what you saw were holographic projection technology, ultra large scale displays, and stereo effects
@vanelruxys8358 You are only willing to see the bad part and not willing to face the positive and beautiful part. What you see is different from most of the audience here who enjoy the Asian Games, which is very regrettable!你只愿意看到不好的一面,不愿意面对积极美好的一面。你看到的和这里大多数欣赏亚运会的观众不一样,非常遗憾!
Could you react to the opening of the 2011 Pan American games in Guadalajara, Mexico? For me it is the best of these games, Literally THE ENTIRE STADIUM was the cauldron.您对在墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉举行的2011年泛美运动会开幕式有何看法?对我来说,这是这些运动会中最棒的一次,整个体育场就像一个字面意义上的大锅。
Lima 2019 is the union of American and Latin American cultures, all that show of armo in 4 weeks missing the start of the games,1°Guadalajara 2011 ������ ,2° Lima 2019 ������ (Peru), 3°Toronto 2015 ������2019年的利马泛美运动会开幕式是美洲文化和拉美文化的结合,在比赛开始前的4周里,所有的表现都很出色。
最好的开幕式是:1. 2011年墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉 2. 2019年智利利马 3. 2015年加拿大多伦多
Many people died as soon as the first American high-speed train with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour was put into operation. In China, a train with a speed of less than 300 kilometers per hour cannot be called a high-speed train. How does the United States compare with China? I have to say that American bragging is quite powerful.美国第一辆时速200公里的高铁一投入运营就死了很多人。而在中国,时速低于300公里的列车不能被称之为高铁。美国怎么和中国比?不得不说,美国人吹牛还是挺厉害的。
@vanelruxys8358 The digital figures on the river are invisible, while the digital figures ignited in the stadium are holographic projections that can be seen with the naked eye. As for fireworks, digital fireworks have been used for environmental protection. Otherwise, which other country could surpass China in terms of fireworks?江面上的数字人不可见,但体育场内点火的数字人是肉眼可见的全息投影。至于烟花,杭州为了环保而采用了数字烟花,不然在烟花上还有哪个国家能超过中国?
油管热议亚运会金牌榜前10名(1951-2023):中国不在,日本称霸;中国回归,日本乖乖第二China developed sports with its overwhelming population and national capabilities and achieved natural results, Japan had sports infrastructure in place since the end of the 19th century and was able to achieve good results from the beginning, and Korea is a country that does not have a high population among Asian countries in terms of population ratio alone. However, if you look at the fact that there are more medals than expected, you can see that Korea's sports infrastructure is also great.中国以其压倒性的人口和国力发展体育运动并很自然地取得了好成绩;日本早在19世纪末就有了体育基础设施,它从一开始就取得了不错的成绩;而韩国在亚洲各国中,单从人口比例来看,其人口并不算多。不过,如果从奖牌数比预想的多这一事实来看,你会发现韩国的体育基础设施也很棒。
Why India cannot developed sports with its overwhelming population and national capabilities and achieved natural results?为什么印度不能以其压倒性的人口和国家能力发展体育运动并自然地取得好成绩呢?
3:13 the real face of Asia not just in Sport but also in Economy and Technology3:13 亚洲的真实面貌不仅体现在体育领域,还体现在经济和技术领域。
Today China is competing with US leaving third place a huge margin ...How far and fast China has come along .���现在,中国正在与美国竞争并以巨大的差距领先第三名......
The saddest part of the Philippines is that the country only becomes a star from the beginning but could not sustain momentum until now. Anyway, hoping for my country to bring back its glory菲律宾最悲哀的地方在于这个国家从一开始就成了明星,但直到现在都无法保持势头。无论如何,我希望我的国家能重现辉煌。
@rajurajeshpanjitkumar-xq1ooIn that time south korea war with north and chine is suffering civil war这是因为当时韩国与朝鲜正在开战,中国正在遭受内战。
Since 1978, only Japan, South Korea, and China have been shown in the rankings lol自1978年以来,只有日本、韩国和中国出现在排行榜上,哈哈。
Rich countries= more quality sport institutions/more funding on sports. Believe it or not that is one big factor.富裕的国家=更多高质量的体育机构/更多的体育资金。信不信由你,这是一个重要的因素。
China got so many medals in 2010 asian games
Because of the home field advantage and the legacy left by the 2008 Beijing Olympics (China ranked first in the gold medal list at the Beijing Olympics, surpassing the United States)这是因为主场优势以及2008年北京奥运会留下的遗产(中国在北京奥运会金牌榜上超过美国排名第一)。
It is normal that the host country can appropriately increase the number of projects in which it is good and become more familiar with the environment东道国可以适当增加自己擅长的项目,它们也更熟悉环境,所以这是正常的。
How many times did Japan won? (up to 1978)How many times did China won? (up to 2018)日本赢了多少次?(截至1978年),中国赢了多少次?(截至2018年)
Japan was winning from 1951 to 1978 because china wasn't participating in any games at that time but in 1978 Deng Xiaoping opened china to the world, so from 1982 it was China who has been continiously dominating until 2018. So China has won more times.从1951年到1978年,日本一直位列第一,这是因为当时中国没有参加任何比赛。但在1978年,邓向世界开放了中国,所以从1982年开始,中国一直统治着亚运会,直到2018年。因此,中国赢的次数更多。
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关键字:亚运会,杭州亚运会,亚运会开幕式,美运会开幕式,欧运会开幕式,亚运会点火仪式,亚运会奖牌榜,亚运会中国,亚运会金牌 专题:文体明星责任编辑:管理员