
柠露读乐:二胡版 清平乐·禁庭春昼 《长安十二时辰》(有视频)

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-24 20:15:09

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柠露读乐:二胡版 清平乐·禁庭春昼 《长安十二时辰》(有视频)


本文译自Youtube,原标题:清平乐《长安十二时辰》二胡版 | Qingping Music_The longest day in Chang'an_Erhu Cover





No Airbags! We Die Like Real Men

Love China From Iran

Chinese Folk is Best ❤




Zhuofu Xiao

interesting is there is a prince of persia in that story




I am a Chinese minority ethnic, also a Muslim, and I live in Chang An city(known as Xi An nowadays). My dad did some research on our family name and history, and told me that our ancestors probably moved to China during Tang Dynasty, originally from Persia, which is today’s Iran. I read a lot of history about Tang’s Chang An city, It was the greatest dynasty and greatest city in human history, I am glad to be a citizen of Chang An.



Wi Aek

Do you know Tajik people living in western china? They are one minority group that came from sassanid empire with one persian prince during tang dynasty and they have been loyal to China and protecting westernmost borders since Tang china up until now. China has also adopted many persian cultures through silk road and Tang dynasty really love persian culture. In fact, Iran(persia) and China have been friends for centuries.




I hope you don’t mind me being honest here.  Except Persia, I don’t really like people from Arabic region as I don’t have good experiences with them.  My neighbor is from Lebanon and the son and husband are selfish bad people and often mess up my yard, dump garbage in yard, and recently smashed the window of my car when they were lucky not getting caught.  Of all main religions, I dislike the most is Arabic region.  You know what I am talking about.  Too sad that Persia has been following that religion turning Persian culture not the same beautiful as before.



Fatemeh Rahbari

@M9 Actually We don't have good relationship with Arabic countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE because they are killing our brothers in Yemen.It's true that we are muslims but we all love our prophet, our Muslim brothers around the world so it's not forced at all.And I totally understand that your neighbors annoy you but They all are not bad people.One of the most important rules in Islam is that You must not annoy your neighbors.Please Forgive us for those neighbors of yours:)




@Fatemeh Rahbari The religion doesn't always fix or change people.   They are just born as bad and selfish regardless of religion.  So either they don't properly learn and practice the teaching of islam well or the religion fails to teach people properly.   Again, I don't like Arabic religion.  Not sure the religion, the culture, or the natural characters of the people in Arabic religion, they seem to be selfish and make people uncomfortable.  I don't mean to generalize all but majority of them are really annoying and disturbing.  My experience is not only from my neighbour alone but also from other occasions as well.

@Fatemeh Rahbari 宗教并不总能决定或改变一个人。不管其宗教信仰如何,有些人天生就是自私的坏蛋。所以,要么他们没有很好地学习和实践YSL教的教义,要么宗教未能正确地教导人们。再说一次,我不喜欢阿拉伯宗教。我不清楚阿拉伯宗教中的宗教、文化或人的本性,他们似乎很自私,让人不舒服。我并不是想一概而论,但大多数都很烦人和令人不安。我的经验不仅来自我的邻居,也来自其他场合。


Fatemeh Rahbari

@M9 You're right. Some of people were born with these kind of things.

But we humans have the opportunity of changing them in this mortal world.

@M9 你说得对,有些人天生就这样。




Jonn Mero

This make me yearn for something I surely missed in younger days. Hauntingly beautiful with that slightly melancholy undertone.



Alejandra Parker

Peace and Blessings.

My soul needed to be comforted at this time. My friend's husband  46 yrs old had his leg amputed today and she just recently had knee surgery....before I heard this music, I was really distressed (incidentally this came up on my feed the moment I opened up my phone) G-D in his infinite mercy knew my distress and was there, right on time.

My friends real problems puts everything into perspective for me.  

Just yesterday I was upset because I didn't have the right shoe color to wear on my trip ...life is not promised to anyone... let's just enjoy the seconds and each other while  we are in this world ....be kind.









Indian Weeb Desu

chinese traditional music is just sooooo good much love from india



Brian Schwahn

Thank you for sharing! I very much like seeing the hand movements to produce the various notes on the Erhu. I also appreciated the authentic dynasty based clothing too! Xiexie!



J. Ho

I watched this drama, first episode... intense story line. Jackson Yee was impressive. Beautiful music, thx for sharing.



Ian Mhie

I feels like I'm escaping from an impending invasion as I run towards the river, soldiers chasing us me and my sister. A we approach the river teary, I cut the rope attached to the boat as my sister safely escaped. I am left behind as I return to the battlefield either a slave or a subject. �



ana O.

even if its just a melody, this makes me wanna cry, even now i just dont know why all these tears come in my eyes even though i'm not even sad



El Machete del Chojno

Oh God, it caught my soul so much that I felt a tear falling through my cheek. A harsh piece of art.




Absolutely breath taking piece of music. Love chinese traditional instruments. very noble. Peace and Salam from afghanistan



Ella Natta

Beautiful, I love erhu so much, wish I have chance to learn that



mike m

Just When I Think I Have

Heard Every Beautiful Song ❤️ On

Here I Discoverer More

Thank You For This AMAZING � Music







谢谢你给我的美妙的� 音乐


Hoang Cong

So beautiful.. i love your music, i am a big fan of erhu , it's my hope that you can share link of this beat to me. Thank you so much!




Outstanding! Beautiful music for a great drama. Thanks China!




Beautifully played on an instrument I love.  Disappointing not to see the performer, it takes something away from a great performance.




What a beautiful sound to dance...sending love through time to the Tang Dinasty...



Jaxon Blade

It sounds like something very very very sorrow.�



Ntuj Qub Qab

This music will make 100 times better if she can actually showing her face While recording ... it would make a perfect piece.



Zig's AquaTactics and More

I'm not sure what everyone else is feeling on this matter but, as incredibly beautiful this Melody plays the no head thing is really freaking me out here!



RemoveGCD Laza

This is real Chinese culture,  pretty beautiful, rather than garbage square dance played old women with shamelessness. communist party destroyed Chinese real precious culture in culture revolution, many talents were killed in culture revolution.






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关键字:柠露读乐,柠露读乐U管,长安十二时辰二胡 专题:音乐之声责任编辑:管理员