

字号: A-AA+ 2023-07-31 23:04:12

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:李玟 CoCo Lee - 戰歌 [Official Music Video] 官方完整版MV(動畫《斗羅大陸雙神戰雙神》主題曲)


Love this song hope can use for my wedding, it like our love is eternal and even in death I protect you and willy became monster to protect my love one


The moment I heard the song I fell in love with both the artist and the song !! It's just hard to believe what happened ��� Rest in peace CoCo Lee!! ���

当我听到这首歌的那一刻,我就爱上了歌手和这首歌❤!! 很难相信发生了什么。李玟,请安息!!

When I saw the cover of this video, it caught my attention and even more after listening to the song, I love the chorus part, I like the lyrics ���, Thanks to this video I met CoCo and until now, I had no idea what she was part of my childhood through Mulan. It is very sad that this great person is no longer with us, I leave a great gift to her fans, in every job I do and with this last song.  She rests in peace and strength to her relatives��� "May our souls be free...������"


WHY���still can't accept the shocking news of losing you. Thank you for presenting the best of you throughout time, being such a talented singer, and brightening up our lives with your beautiful voice. Your contributions to the world of music are immeasurable. Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to your craft set you apart as a true icon. You graced stages around the globe, captivating audiences with your remarkable performances. Your talent transcended boundaries, uniting people from diverse backgrounds through the universal language of music.
We love you♥ Rest In Peace 國際天後CoCo李玟


我们爱你,安息吧,国际天后 COCO 李玟。

Rest in peace CoCo Lee for us Donghua fans in the West there is no way to know anything about the real people behind those works but as an artist, as a singer you were really impressive & your voice will be missed, my condolences to her family, relatives & friends.


[ In Loving Memory of Coco Lee: 1975 – 2023 ]                     
In the realm of music, there are those whose voices transcend time and touch the deepest corners of our souls. Coco Lee, a true legend, was one such extraordinary artist. Today, as we gather to honor her memory, we celebrate the remarkable journey of a woman whose contribution to Soul Land and the global stage will forever echo in our hearts.Coco Lee possessed a voice that was both celestial and profound, a gift that graced us with its ethereal beauty. Her presence on the global stage was a testament to her talent, passion, and unwavering dedication. With each note she sang, she transported us to a realm where emotions flowed freely and hearts found solace.
"Battle Song," Coco Lee's final gift to the world, was an anthem of strength and resilience. It embodied the power of her voice, which soared above the heavens, carrying with it a message of courage and hope. Her words and melodies united us, inspiring us to face our own battles with unwavering determination. Beyond the boundaries of Soul Land, Coco Lee's presence on the global stage left an indelible mark. From grand arenas to intimate venues, she commanded the stage with grace and authenticity, leaving audiences mesmerized by her undeniable talent.
As we reflect on Coco Lee's life and legacy, we are reminded of the immense impact she had on the global music scene. Her collaborations with renowned artists and her tireless efforts to bridge cultural divides showcased her desire to bring people together through the universal language of music. Coco Lee was not only a musical icon but also an ambassador of harmony and understanding.
Today, as we bid farewell to Coco Lee, we find solace in the knowledge that her voice will forever echo in our hearts. Her last song, "Battle Song," theme song to Soul Lands finale, will continue to inspire generations to come, reminding us of the power of resilience and the beauty of the human spirit. Her contributions to Soul Land and the global stage will forever be treasured, etching her name in the annals of music history.
To Coco Lee, thank you for sharing your immense talent and beautiful voice with the world. Though you may no longer grace us with your physical presence, your spirit will forever resonate through the melodies that touched our souls.
May your soul finally find peace.

[缅怀李玟:1975 – 2023]









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关键字:斗罗大陆,斗罗大陆主题曲,斗罗大陆战歌,李玟战歌,李玟最后一首歌,告别李玟,李玟安息 专题:音乐之声责任编辑:管理员