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半岛电视台:中国外交重大突破,伊朗和沙特这对千年宿敌在中国斡旋下恢复建交并重启合作本文译自Youtube,原标题:Iran and Saudi Arabia ‘agree to restore relations’伊朗媒体3月10日报道称,伊朗和沙特已经同意在两个月内恢复外交关系并重新互相开放大使馆。据伊朗塔斯尼姆通讯社10日报道,经过几日谈判,伊朗与沙特当日在北京签署了一份联合声明,双方同意恢复外交关系,并在最多两个月内重新互相开放大使馆。在重新互相开放使馆之前,伊朗与沙特已经开始阶段性推进关系正常化。去年,伊朗和沙特的代表在伊拉克首都巴格达举行了多轮会谈。2016年1月初,在沙特处决什叶派神职人员奈米尔之后,伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊宣布对沙特进行一场“神圣报复”,愤怒的伊朗示威者袭击了沙特驻伊朗大使馆。此后,沙特切断了与伊朗的外交关系。Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish ties and reopen embassies within two months, according to Iranian state media.The agreement reportedly came after talks held in the Chinese capital Beijing.Saudi Arabia broke off ties with Iran in 2016 after protesters invaded Saudi diplomatic posts there.Ali Hashem speaks to Al Jazeera from Tehran, Iran.据伊朗官方媒体报道,伊朗和沙特阿拉伯已经同意在两个月内重新建立外交关系并重新开放大使馆。2016年,在抗议者冲击沙特驻伊朗的大使馆后,沙特与伊朗断绝了外交关系。Ali Hashem在伊朗德黑兰对半岛电视台表示。
What a victory not only for Iran, Saudi Arabia, but the world! We want peace, and we don’t want weapon and war!这不仅是伊朗、沙特阿拉伯,也是全世界的一次胜利!我们想要和平,我们不想要武器和战争!
washhandswashhandshope this lead a peace way for Yemen, yemeni suffered so much this years!!希望这能为也门带来一条和平之路,也门这几年遭受了太多的痛苦!!
It's good to see both Muslim brothers nations finally come together for the sake of Arab world and the world at large ...Thanks to China done a good job to make this happen !!!很高兴看到穆|斯|林兄弟的国家最终为了阿拉伯世界和整个世界走到了一起...
This is bad. The more united brown men are the harder it is for USA to divide them
Between countries who have same faith, no reason to fight each other, and on what basis. What's there to gain for each of the conflicting party.Learn from Russia- Ukraine conflict. What a horrifying sadness watching slavic people fighting each other, they are families. Who gain from this fight.China needs to help both Russia Ukraine binding back the broken Slavic ties.这太棒了。
@龙江 Sunnis and Shias are almost the same thing. Religion has never been the reason for the conflict, just politics. Saudi Arabia is usually closer to America, while Iran is usually closer to Russia. I’m pretty sure America just lost an ally after this news lol逊尼派和什叶派几乎是一回事。宗教从来就不是双方发生冲突的原因,导致双方发生冲突的是政治。沙特阿拉伯通常更靠近美国,而伊朗通常离俄罗斯更近。我很确定在这个消息公布之后美国失去了一个盟友,哈哈哈哈。
Wow, what an impressive victory for Chinese diplomacy. Whereas America applies maximum pressure, China actually talks peace.哇,这对中国外交来说是多么令人印象深刻的胜利啊。尽管美国实施了极限施压,但中国实际上却在谈论和平。
Peace is good for everyone except the US government.U.S. arms sales depend on war.Love&Peace to our friends .除了美国政府,和平对所有人都有好处。
tips: It comes after top diplomatic delegations from both countries visited Beijing on the same day.小贴士:这是在两国高级外交代表团访问北京之后发生的。
I don't believe there will ever be a very close relationship, but warmer ties may bring peace to the region as in Yemen. You can't help but acknowledge that a weakening relationship with the US caused this. The world is shifting away from the US.虽然我不相信两国会有非常密切的关系,但更密切的关系可能给像也门这样的地区带来和平。你不得不承认是与美国关系的削弱导致了这一局面的发生,世界正在远离美国。
Real breaking news with a tectonic shift with both Arabia and Persia moving together on the advice of China and Russia for a peaceful multipolar world and away from divide and rule of US Empire.随着沙特阿拉伯和伊朗在中国和俄罗斯的建议下共同走向一个和平的多极世界并远离美帝国主义的分裂和统治,这是一个真正的重大新闻。
The USA ( Biden) will not sleep tonight ���Great decision from both sides. I really appreciate it. All muslim countries should be united. ���Love from Bangladesh ������美国(拜登)今晚将夜不能寐,哈哈。
We always sleep peacefully...you are no match for us...all of ya put together.我们一直睡得很安稳.....我不是针对谁,我的意思是在座的都是垃圾..你们加一块也不是我们的对手。
we'll sleep fine. the only people who dont want this is nutty republicans.我们会睡得很安稳。唯一不想出现这样的事的人是疯狂的共和党人。
China seems more interested in actually uniting nations and the USA (NATO) is interested in dividing them.中国似乎对真正团结所有国家更感兴趣,而美国(北约)则对分裂所有国家更感兴趣。
As a Chinese, I’m thrilled to see this exciting news. I’m really proud to see such a fantastic goodwill brought by SA, Iran and of course facilitated by my mothercountry China! Let's do this more, and I wish MiddleEast brothers would increasingly leverage opportunities from China's Belt & Road Initiatives:) Let's make peace and prosperity together!作为一个中国人,看到这个令人兴奋的消息我很高兴。看到沙特、伊朗以及我的祖国中国带来了如此美好的友谊我真的很自豪!让我们更多地做这样的事,我希望中东的兄弟们能越来越多地利用中国的“一带一路”倡议带来的机遇,让我们一起创造和平与繁荣!
I’ve traveled to Qatar in 2016 and had a one-week exchange activity with college students from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Oman, etc. who are all really smart and nice people. Although from different countries and sects, all of us exchanged ideas open-mindedly and had a great time. Back then I really hope that on country level, all MiddleEast regimes can embrace their brotherhood relationship just like what we did on individual level. Dream is coming true!我曾于2016年前往卡塔尔,与来自沙特、伊朗、叙利亚、巴基斯坦、阿曼等国的大学生进行了为期一周的交流活动,他们都是非常聪明、善良的人。尽管来自不同的国家和教派,但我们都以开放的心态交流思想并度过了美好的时光。当时,我真的希望在国家层面上,所有中东的政权都能像我们在个人层面上那样拥抱他们的兄弟关系,现在梦想即将实现了。
That is good. I personally was waiting to see a reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This is what we want to see between these 2 great nations.这很棒。我个人一直在等待伊朗和沙特阿拉伯之间的和解,这是我们希望在这两个大国之间看到的事情。
Effective communication, respectful negotiation, and a willingness to understand and consider different perspectives are essential for creating a better future for everyone.有效的沟通、相互尊重的谈判以及理解和接纳不同观点的意愿对于为每个人创造更美好的未来至关重要。
This is glorious news and way overdue. This will continue to strengthen the BRICS+ International Alliance and restore peace and unity throughout the entire world.这是一个值得称道的消息,早就应该这样了。这将继续加强金砖国家+国际联盟并恢复全世界的和平与团结。
lots of love and congratulation for our Saudi and Iranian brothers because this is the only way for peace in the middle east and specially Thanks to China to made it happen, Our prophet Mohammad SW once said "visit China to seek Knowledge" he was absolutely right. Together we can build the world where everybody sees as human with equal rights and prosperity.我们向沙特和伊朗兄弟致以无限的爱和祝贺,因为这是实现中东和平的唯一途径,尤其要感谢中国促成了这一点。我们的先知穆罕默德(Mohammad SW)曾说过“访问中国以寻求知识”,他说的完全正确。我们可以共同建设一个人人都享有平等权利和繁荣的世界。
It is always good to see peaceful relationship improvement between nations, especially between Iran and Saudi Arabia, who used to be so much apart and hate each other. Great work by China to get the two extremes sit together and find the common ground. Amazing achievement! China has done what US can't do, China deserves huge credit and respect.看到国家之间的和平关系的改善总是很棒的,尤其是伊朗和沙特阿拉伯之间的关系,因为它们曾经如此疏远并彼此仇恨。中国为让两个极端敌对的国家坐在一起并找到共同点做出了巨大的努力。这是惊人的成就!中国做了美国做不到的事,中国值得巨大的赞誉和尊重。
So happy that these 2 great nations can resume relations to create a more prosperous region and stop all the wars in the middle east. Love from Hong Kong很高兴这两个伟大的国家能够恢复关系,请创造一个更加繁荣的地区并制止中东的所有战争。来自香港的爱。
As an iranian i'm glad this happened and i hope it lasts, i have been to Saudi for haj before things got heated and there were some really good people there, china did sth that usa never would/could do . ������������������作为一名伊朗人,我很高兴这件事发生了,我希望这件事能持续下去。在事态升温之前,我去过沙特,那里有一些真正的好人,中国做了一些美国永远不会做的事。(伊朗中国沙特旗帜)。
Now boys, let's talk nicely.Bro, let's put our differences aside, you have your difficulties, I have my challenges, let's work together.Yeah, it seems we have many common interests overlapping of late. Let's cooperate and friends !I'm so happy for you two !中国:
When I was young, my grandpa told me, but do good deeds, don't ask about the future. This is an old Chinese proverb, which means do good deeds, do more good deeds, don't care about the benefits that good deeds bring to you. China is willing to do better good deeds for the world, and wish the world to stay away from war当我年轻的时候,我的爷爷告诉我:但行好事,莫问前程。这是一句古老的中国谚语,意思是只需要做好事,多做好事,不要在意好事能否给你带来的好处。中国愿为世界做更好的好事,愿世界远离战争。
Arabian, Persian, and Chinese used to make peace through trade. We built the silk road together and exchanged culture before Mongolian smashed the land. Welcome back to the board our old friends. Glories to the ancient civilizations. Love from China.阿拉伯人、波斯人和中国人过去通过贸易实现了和平。我们一起修筑了丝绸之路,在蒙古人摧毁大地之前交换了文化。欢迎我们的老朋友重回国际舞台。向古老的文明致敬,来自中国的爱。
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关键字:中国外交突破,沙特伊朗建交,沙特伊朗恢复建交,沙特伊朗合作,中国撮合沙特伊朗,中国斡旋沙特伊朗 专题:中国责任编辑:管理员