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Youtube:为什么中国这么擅长建造高速铁路?中国高铁延时大作(视频)本文译自Youtube,原标题:Why China Is so Good at Bullet Trains? 子弹头列车 添加了中文字幕

This century is china's, let the world witness its transformationBecause they spend less time making weapons of mass destruction to invade other nations and spend more time building infrastructure and improving the quality of life for its people.因为它们花在制造侵略其他国家的大规模杀伤性武器上的时间更少,花在建设基础设施和改善人民的生活质量上的时间更多。
Yes, america spent $6 trillion on afghanistan and iraq wars in past 20 years . China spent the same some of money connecting all first and second tier cities with 36,000 km of high speed rail in the past 12 years.没错,在过去的20年里,美国在阿富汗和伊拉克战争上花费了6万亿美元。而在过去的12年里,中国花了同样多的钱建造了36000公里连接所有的一、二线城市的高铁。
I still can't wrap my head around this. We spent tens of trillions on the military for decades. Imagine all that money going into our infrastructure. Can you imagine the amount of businesses generated by those infrastructure facilities.我还是无法理解这一点。几十年来,我们在军队上花了几万亿美元。想象一下,如果把所有这些钱都投入到我们的基础设施上,你能想象这些基础设施能带来多大的好处吗?
I have had the pleasure of riding on these trains in China on three occasions. All the stats are great, however, the real-time experience does not disappoint.我曾有幸在中国乘坐过三次这样的火车,所有的数据都很棒,实时体验也没有令人失望。
China is good at building these because they actually what they say and have a sophisticated planning system for mega-projects like these. In the West they would of argue over it in Parliament for at least several years before even deciding wether the project should exist in the first place, I mean look the expansion plan for Heathrow Airport, after more than a decade of yapping they ditched the plan lmao.中国很擅长建造这些建筑,因为他们言出必践并且拥有一套复杂的大型项目规划体系。在西方,他们会在决定这个项目是否应该存在之前先在议会中就这个问题争论至少好几年。看看希思罗机场的扩建计划,经过十多年的争吵之后,他们放弃了这个计划。
They talk about building a high-speed train in The Peoples Republic of California for more than twenty years, yet it's still not finished. That's how bullshit democracy works over there. ���������他们说要在加利福尼亚人民共和国建造高速列车已经有二十多年了,但是到现在还没有完工,这就是废话民|主运作的方式。���������
China has no time responding to Westerners' negative narratives. China is busy and focuses on eradicating the last pockets of poverty, developing upgrading its infrastructures and industries, more research will be carried out with new innovation and inventions, deepening its economy and fianance, modernize its military to Rejuvenate China fully by 2049中国没有时间回应西方人的负面叙事。中国正忙于消除最后一批贫困人口,发展和升级其基础设施和工业,开展更多的研究和新的创新发明,深化经济和金融改革,实现军事现代化,到2049年使中国全面振兴。
when a country lead by engineers and technicians...The primary objective of the Chinese Government is to improve the livelihood of its 1.4 billion people. To this end, infrastructures of all sorts are being built in the shortest possible time so that more people will enjoy the fruits of this endeavor as soon as possible.中国的首要目标是改善14亿人民的生活。为此,它们正在尽可能短的时间内建设各种基础设施,以便更多的人尽快享受到这一努力的成果。
family on the 1200KM away: son do you wan to have a visit on home? i have what you love prepared.son: ok, be there on 4 hour.1200公里外的家人:儿子,你想回家看看吗?我准备了你喜欢的东西。
The Chinese aren't wasting time on performative activism, and the results are obvious.中国人并没有把时间浪费在行为激进主义上,结果是显而易见的。
Actually this is fascinating me China. As i am Mongolian. China should go more and Asian we need to be strong together ���事实上,这让我很着迷,因为我是蒙古人。中国应该走得更远,我们亚洲人需要一起强大起来���
Cool Chinese technology, cool shots. When a country keeps directing all its resources to improving its own people's lives, for 40 years, miracle happens.酷炫的中国科技,酷炫的镜头。当一个国家40年来一直将所有资源用于改善本国人民的生活时,奇迹就会发生。
It just makes sense to use rail in such densely populated country, but the transportation miracle is more overwhelming when you add the tens of thousands of KM of express grade highways at the same time period, not to mention of course all the new airports and sea ports.在这样一个人口稠密的国家使用铁路是有道理的,如果同时增加数万公里高速公路就更是交通奇迹了,当然更不用说还有所有新的机场和海港了。
Cut and paste from US media: “Currently, those bullet trains crawl across the country at max speeds of only 300 kilometers per hour, making the 1,318-kilometer trip in an excruciating 4 hours and 49 minutes.”Note the word “crawl”, “excruciating”!来自美国媒体的剪贴:“目前,这些子弹头列车以每小时仅300公里的最高速度在全国各地爬行,1318公里的行程需要4小时49分钟的折磨。”
Great video, absolutely love the high speed network in China, makes touring China easy and hassle free, wish the pandemic can be over soon so I can visit again很棒的视频,我非常喜欢中国的高速铁路网络,这让中国之旅轻松无忧,希望疫情能很快结束,这样我就可以再次访问中国。
Just amazing growth and development. In China the future in NOW! I had to get the calculator to convert that fancy Metric to good old American MPH and Miles. :-) Those trains be FAST! Alex, your videos beckon travel to China. Back to the Future & Back to China! Well done Alex!惊人的增长和发展,未来就在现在的中国!我得用计算器把复杂的公制换算成美国速度和里程数 :-)那些火车真快!Alex,你的视频吸引着我去中国旅游。回到未来,回到中国!干得好,Alex!
The high speed train in China got so many criticized over the past years since the first line operation. But it still go its own way to the level of today! Amazing, high speed train is not only a faster train. It provides huge impact of economic zones. cities are grouped as 2-3 hours working zone, 4 hours life zones. So the huge cities (e.g. Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou...) can for a hub zone to make srrounding cities get the similar facilities. That will boost the economics, logistics, communication, and people's job opportunities. So high speed train system is really an icon and leading the fast development of China. I love the China's high speed train! wonderful!自第一条线路运营以来,中国的高铁在过去几年里受到了很多批评,但它仍然以自己的方式发展到了今天的水平!令人惊奇的是高铁不仅仅意味着速度更快的列车,它还对区域经济产生了巨大的影响。城市被划分为2-3小时工作区和4小时生活区。因此,大城市(如上海、北京、广州……)可以作为一个与周边城市共享类似的基础设施的枢纽,这将促进经济、物流和通信的发展并给人们带来更多就业机会。因此,高铁系统确实是一个真正的引领中国快速发展的象征。我喜欢中国的高铁!太棒了!
Because when China started the massive high-speed railway construction, many predicted that few Chinese could afford the tickets. But they hugely underestimated China. In 2019, China's high-speed railway ridership reached 2.2 billion, or 62.6% of all railway ridership. A lot of capacity of regular railways ( non-high-speed) were released to cargo transportation in the meantime. China is considering to build second Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway since the current one passed its design capacity.当中国开始大规模建设高速铁路时,许多人预测很少有中国人买得起车票,但他们大大低估了中国。2019年,中国高铁的客运量达到了22亿人次,占全部铁路客运量的62.6%。与此同时,大量普通铁路(非高铁)的运力被释放到货物运输上来。中国正在考虑修建第二条京沪高铁,因为这条铁路目前的需求已经超出了设计能力。
Alex, you did it again with another outstanding video on on China's infrastructure. Have you ever considered doing a longer documentary regarding China's reconstruction. I bet it would be great.Alex,你又制作了一段关于中国基础设施的精彩视频。你有没有考虑过拍一部关于中国重建的长篇纪录片,我打赌那会很棒。
Unfortunately, we don't have here in the US, if the US has such a system, in the east, each of the major city can have its own 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour life zone. NYC will become the big city connect Boston, Phil, and other surrounding areas within 1-hour HSR ride. You can go from grand central take an hour train to the south station in Boston, have Lobster dinner with someone in Pier 4, at 6 PM, heading back at 8 PM, then get back to NYC by 9 pm不幸的是在美国我们没有这样的高铁系统。如果美国有这样的系统,东部的每个主要城市都可以拥有自己的1小时、2小时和4小时生活圈,纽约将成为连接波士顿、费城和其他周边地区的枢纽,从纽约到那些城市仅需1小时高铁车程。你可以从中央车站坐1个小时的火车到波士顿南站,下午6点在4号码头与人共进龙虾晚餐并在晚上8点返回,然后9点就回到了纽约。
Good video, I’m a Chinese railroad enthusiast and it’s such a surprise for me that there are three parallel high speed lines just in front of my university campus so that I can watch trains roaring past all the time!很好的视频,我是一个中国铁路的爱好者,在我的大学校园前有三条平行的高速铁路线,我可以一直看到火车呼啸而过,这对我来说是一个惊喜。
Usually the speed is 350 km per hour with gold or red paint. The footage looks or shows old like at least 5-8years old. The white and blue (“Hexie” model which you can see on the train side) cars are not “high-speed” trains in China or in Chinese. They are “between-cities” trains in China or in Chinese and they run 200-300 km per hour. The high speed trains are “Fuxing” model. I appreciate your work, but please be more accurate.通常速度为每小时350公里的列车会涂上金色或红色的面漆,视频中的列车看起来至少有5-8年的历史了。蓝白色的列车(你可以看到在火车侧边看到上面写着“和谐”号)不是“高速”列车,它们是在中国城市之间运行的城际动车组,时速在200-300公里/小时。高速列车是“复兴”号,我很感激你的工作,但请更准确一点。
I can say China Bullet Train experience is so Great that you won't feel like getting down on your station as you reach there so fast.Had similar experience Twice Between Guangzhou and Shenzhen Twice last year.Was just a 28 Minutes ride, More Silent even at 310kmph inside the cabin,than a super slow train in India.我想说中国高铁的体验太棒了,当你如此快速地到达目的地时,你不会觉得想下车。车程仅需28分钟,即使在时速310公里的车厢里也非常安静,
China is so good at becoming a leader in producing many things because China loves herself, and need the best for all her people wellbeing and maintain a win-win policy positions for dealing with the rest of the world.A Chinese leadership legitimacy depends on delivering on their plans for China and its citizens.On the contrary, Western leaders get free legitimacy simply by being voted for based on lies and a myopic supremacy belief they never stopped telling themselves and the world. The west policy for success and dealing with the rest of the world is to grow richer and stronger by keeping the rest of humanity poor perpetually.They neglects their countries while looting and manipulating the world only for the 1% and satan.中国之所以如此善于成为生产许多东西的领|导者,是因为中国需要最好的产品来满足人民的福祉,并在与世界其他国家打交道的时候保持双赢的政策立场。中国领|导|层的合法性取决于它们能否实现对中国公民的承诺。与此相反,西方领导人仅仅基于谎言和短视的XX至上理念赢得选票。西方关于成功和与世界其他地区打交道的政策是通过让其他人永远贫穷来让他们自己变得更加富裕和强大。他们无视自己的国家,只为1%的富人和魔鬼掠夺和操纵世界。
In 2019, because of our ages, we initially planned to visit two provinces - flying to Guiyang, tour Guizhou for 8-10 days, then head off to Hainan for another week. The entire trip from US would have taken us 3 weeks. We put it off because the HST line to Hainan was still on the drawing board, and instead we spent two and half weeks in Fujian, with some trips on HST. Unfortunately our plan to visit China this year is cancelled. Hopefully, we can travel again next year. I love the HST there. Not only they are fast and inexpensive, they are punctual, easily accessible, clean and coordinated well with local transport.2019年,由于年龄的原因,我们最初计划访问两个省——先飞到贵阳,花8-10天游览贵州省,然后再前往海南过一周。从美国出发的整个行程要花3个星期的时间,但我们推迟了行程,因为去海南的高铁还处于规划阶段,取而代之的是我们在福建呆了两个半星期并乘坐高铁进行了数次旅行。不幸的是我们今年访问中国的计划被取消了,希望明年我们能再次去中国旅行。我喜欢那里的高速铁路,它们不仅速度快、价格便宜,而且准时、方便、干净,与当地的交通也衔接得很好。
The cost of Honolulu's elevated 20 miles rail line has increased from an initial estimate of $5.1 billion to more than $9 billion . The federal government has long since suspended payment of its share of the budget. Maybe they should hire the Chinese company to finish the project for a fraction of the cost.檀香山20英里高架轻轨的成本已经从最初估计的51亿美元增加到了90多亿美元,联邦政府早就暂停了对其预算的拨付,也许它们应该雇佣中国公司来完成这个项目,而且只需花费一小部分费用。
Basically, in the West too many vested interests are involved; in China most of these projects are undertaken by the State Corporations from various regions and once the Central Government had agreed on the project, they can practically issue the start work order. In a lesser organized scenario, there will be plenty of wastage since many trial runs could take place but if well organized within the setup, the gestation period will be shorter, hence the current result. I read an old report of a comment made by either ADB or WB who set in a railway committee and he told one of the Chinese tenderers that his price was too low and if given the job he would lose money. Reply: I know it but I wanted the experience and I am prepared to lose some money on this contract! Hence, their progress in the infrastructure sector is almost certain!总的说来,在西方有太多既得利益者会参与到这些项目中来;而在中国,这些项目大多由各地区的国有公司承担,一旦政府同意了该项目,它们就可以开工。在一个组织较差的场景中,由于可能需要进行多次试运行,这会导致大量的浪费。但是如果组织良好,建设期会更短,结果会更好。我曾经读过一份老的报告,其中提到了亚行或世行在一个铁路委员会中发表的评论,它们告诉一个中国投标者他的价格太低了,如果拿下这个工程他会赔钱。但他们收到的答复是:我知道,但我想要的是经验,我做好了在这个合同上损失一些钱的准备!因此,他们在基础设施领域的进展几乎是注定的!
I laughed out loud at a Russian girl's clip comparing Chinese rail vs Russian rail.Among the good part of Russian train rides, you won't hear babies crying or sharing sings other people are listening. Russians don't eat instant noodles on trains and they talk on their phones as quite as they can.I am Chinese I must China has the best hardware but Chinese citizens need better situation awareness on public places. ������一个俄罗斯女孩拿中国铁路和俄罗斯铁路做比较的片段让我大笑了起来。在俄罗斯的火车旅行中,你不会听到婴儿哭泣或歌曲外放,俄罗斯人不会在火车上吃方便面,他们会尽可能安静地打电话。我是中国人,我很肯定中国拥有最好的硬件,但中国公民在公共场所需要有更好的公共意识。������
Every country has his own problems; China hit the chances because its vast population, that’s good for the high speed railways, and since China copy and learned the technology and then integrated with own technology- that’s the way human civilization; also China have so many issues to tackle too. It’s nothing to say who dominate the world. Rankings sometimes just boring and meaningless.每个国家都有自己的问题;中国抓住了机会,因为中国人口众多,这很适合建设高速铁路,而且中国复制并学习了技术,然后将之与自己的技术结合了起来——这就是人类文明发展的方式;中国也有很多问题需要解决,没必要说谁主宰了世界,排名有时既无聊也毫无意义。
We don’t want Westerners to know the truth. We need to discover the economy quietly until we get back to where we should belong! The world's largest economic power! Tang and Ming, the economy accounts for 50% of the world's total economy. We have gone through 200 years of turmoil, and now we are awakened, just like our ancestors, no one can stop us.我们不希望西方人知道真相,我们需要安静地发展经济,直到我们回到我们本该属于的地方!即世界上最大的经济强国!唐朝和明朝的经济规模占世界经济总量的50%。我们经历了200年的动荡,现在我们觉醒了,就像我们的祖先一样,没有人能阻止我们。
China is now doubling the high speed rail way network which includes my city, a 4 tier city in China, now has 5 bullet train stations.中国现在正在将高速铁路网络扩大一倍,包括我的城市,中国的一个四线城市,现在有5个动车站。
They copy shimkansen from Japan, which was already very mature technology. Chinese build all railway by hand (no machinery), only top beam is fabricated in factory. It is very solid built and will last many years. Enjoyable to watch, too.他们复制了日本的新干线,这已经是非常成熟的技术了。中国人依靠手工建造了所有铁路(没有机械),只有枕木是在工厂制造的,它非常坚固,可以使用很多年。视频很不错。
Please don’t sale high speed rail’s equipment(like trains and vvvf)to China anymore........because lots of equipments were come from other countries,such as Japan ,France,Germany(most of the things were from here).You can easy to find that People of repubic of China’s trains are similar with ICE(Europe)and Japan’s E2 Shinkansen Bullet train because those countries sales their trains to People of republic of China请不要再向中国出售高铁设备(如火车和变频调速系统等)……因为许多设备来自其他国家,如日本、法国、德国(大部分设备来自这里)。你很容易发现中国的高铁列车与ICE(欧洲)和日本的E2新干线子弹头列车相似,因为这些国家将列车卖给了中国。
China so good? Actually it isn't. The tech is mostly from Japanese/French/German. Japan has a much longer bullet train history but they have never had an accident with deaths unlike China. The Japanese were more cautious. The Chinese more 差不多 (close enough) with safety which is why Japanese have tested at higher speed but run at lower speed for public operation. It is true that China has built a lot quickly and that is to be admired however but having travelled on HSR trains in Europe, Japan, Taiwan and China I feel from a customer perspective the China ones were the worst (eg more chaotic ticketing if you are not a mainland Chinese), the Japanese the best, Taiwan also very good (but built by Japanese).中国这么好?实际上并非如此。中国的高铁技术主要来自日本/法国/德国。日本有着更长的运营子弹头列车的历史,它们从未像中国那样发生过死亡事故。日本人更加谨慎,而中国人在安全上的态度是差不多(足够接近),这就是为什么日本人会以更高的速度进行测试,但在公共运营中以更低的速度运营。诚然,中国建设得很快,这一点值得钦佩,但在欧洲、日本、台湾地区和中国乘坐过高铁之后,我觉得从用户的角度来看,中国的高铁最差(例如,如果你不是中国大陆人,订票会很麻烦),日本最好,台湾也很不错(但它们的高铁是由日本人建造的)。
I've been on the Shanghai Maglev - back and forth. Top permitted speed with passengers 431km/h. AWESOME!!!! At around top speed, it's loud and very very violently shaky...huge adrenaline rush. Sooo cool.I've also ridden on their inter city high speed train...the cruise at around 305km/h. pretty cool too.我一直乘坐上海磁悬浮列车往返,它的最高允许速度为431km/h。真是令人惊叹!!!!它在以最快的速度运营时声音很大,颤抖非常剧烈……会让人肾上腺素激增,实在是太酷了。我还坐过它们的城际高速列车…巡航速度约为305公里/小时。同样也很酷
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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