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That's how most new products start. Till word gets around, and user reviews reaching the wider audience. All this takes time and money.大多数新产品都是这样起步的。直到消息传开,用户的评论深入更广泛的受众。这一切都需要时间和资金。
I think in fact Japan doesn't want to give this award to BYD, but the scores make BYD won.On the official website of the award, it starts with the second place first (Hyundai, a non-Chinese), then the first and the third.我认为事实上日本并不想把这个奖颁给比亚迪,但得分却让比亚迪获了奖。
history of mobile phone sales maybe a good indicator for coming japanese ev market. in the past when everyone was using nokia and some ericsson, japan market was dominated by its own flip phone design and system, they prefer it overwhelmingly over foreign phones. but later when iphone 4 and particularly iphone 6 appears, it slaughtered the japanese market because of a far superior tech and user experience. now iphone sales is about 50% of whole japanese mobile phone market. For ev we might be seeing something very similar手机销售的历史也许是即将到来的日本电动汽车市场的一个很好的借鉴。在过去,当每个人都在使用诺基亚和爱立信的手机时,日本市场被自己的翻盖手机设计和系统所主导,他们压倒性地喜欢它们而不是外国手机。但后来,当iphone4(尤其是iphone6)出现时,由于其卓越的技术和用户体验,它横扫了日本市场。现在,iphone的销量约占整个日本手机市场的50%。对于电动汽车来说,我们可能会看到一些非常相似的情况。
You only have to look at the smartphone market to see where Japan now stands. Most of their illustrious elecyronic brands have disappeared. Sansui, Sanyo, Nakamichi, Pioneer, Onkyo, Akia, Hitachi. Probably only Sony and Panasonic are left. For the car industry they are still king of ICE. And will remain so for thd foreseeable future.只要看看智能手机市场,你就会明白日本现在的处境。他们的大多数杰出的电子品牌都已消失,包括三水(Sansui)、三洋(Sanyo)、中道(Nakamichi)、先锋(Pioneer)、安桥(Onkyo)、阿基亚(Akia)、日立(Hitachi),现在剩下的大概只有索尼和松下了。对于汽车行业来说,日本仍然是燃油车之王。在可预见的未来,它们仍将如此。
In a couple of years, Global top selling vehicles:BEVs - Tesla, BYD, MG/SAIC (minority: Kia, Hyundai, VW)ICE pure petrol diesel - gone, zilch, zero, nada, vanished, vamooshed, verschwunden, disappeared, null and void, history几年后,全球最畅销的汽车:
电动汽车 - 特斯拉、比亚迪、名爵/上汽集团(少量其他:起亚、现代、大众)
插电式混合动力汽车 - 比亚迪
纯汽油柴油内燃机车 - 各种消失并成为历史
I have owned quite a few Toyotas of varying types over the years, and they were great reliable vehicles. Considering Japan is totally reliant on imported fuel, yet it does have wind, solar and batteries available, it is one of the greatest mysteries to me that they insist on hydrogen and hybrid for their future. Years ago, the Chinese decided that evs were the way to go, and told everybody that is their plan. It seems nobody in the world took any notice. They built massive battery plants, nobody took any notice, they built massive ev manufacturing plants, and still nobody took any notice -- until now!多年来,我拥有过不少不同类型的丰田汽车,它们都是非常可靠的好车。考虑到日本完全依赖进口燃料,但它确实拥有风能、太阳能和电池,对我来说最大的谜团之一是他们坚持在未来使用氢气和混合动力。多年前,中国人决定使用电动汽车并告诉所有人这是他们的计划时,世界上似乎没有人注意到这一点。他们建立了大规模的电池工厂,但没有人注意到;他们建立了大规模的电动汽车制造工厂,但仍然没有人注意到--直到现在!
My theory is BYD entered Japan to create its good global brand images, not yet aiming to fight the Japanese car gods (Toyota, Honda, etc). People around the world trust in Japanese standards. BYD is showing it passed the standards.However, we still never see BYD vehicles (cars or buses) in Japanese media (movies, tv series, animes, PV, AV, etc) that people around the world seeks for them and watch them. (Some Japanese media are made for Japanese domestic market only, not export, but Japan-fans around the world are still seeking for them.)我的看法是比亚迪进入日本是为了塑造良好的全球品牌形象,而不是为了与日本车神(丰田、本田等)对抗。全世界的人们都相信日本的标准,比亚迪正在表明它通过了标准。
然而,在日本媒体(电影、电视剧、动漫、PV、AV 等)上,我们仍然看不到比亚迪汽车(轿车或巴士),而全世界的人们都在寻找和观看它们(有些日本媒体只面向日本国内市场,并不对外,但世界各地的日本粉丝仍在寻找它们)。
Seems that price point is driving choice in a fiscally conservative country irregardless of patriotism and other considerations. Same for EV vs ICE vehicles regardless of country. What most don't understand yet, that in the long run EV's are better financial situation, not too mention other important considerations like the environment.在一个财政保守的国家,价格似乎是选择的驱动力,而与爱国主义和其他考虑因素无关。电动汽车与燃油车的选择也是如此,这与国家无关。大多数人还不明白的是从长远来看,电动汽车的经济效益更好,更不用说环境保护等其他重要的因素了。
In fact, the short-sightedness of the Japanese government also harmed Panasonic.Panasonic, which has been deeply involved in the field of lithium batteries for many years, has never waited for the policy support of the Japanese government, and its competitor is Toyota's inexplicable hydrogen battery.In the end, Panasonic and Toyota can only watch the battery industry in China advance by leaps and bounds together.事实上,日本政府的短视也对松下造成了伤害。
The most popular BEVs in Japan appear to be small affordable hatchbacks. The BYD Seagull would probably sell very well in Japan, but the Japanese government and automotive lobbying groups are probably trying to keep them out. Tesla’s forthcoming next generation platform vehicles, expected in the second half of 2025, will likely be in this market segment. The Rivian R3, expected circa 2027, appears to be targeting this market segment as well. Japanese and Western legacy automotive OEMs will probably start producing compelling BEV small affordable hatchbacks around 2027, when lower battery costs and more mature supply chains make them much cheaper to manufacture than today.在日本,最受欢迎的电动汽车似乎是经济实惠的小型掀背车。比亚迪的海鸥(Seagull)可能会在日本大卖,但日本政府和汽车游说团体可能正试图将其拒之门外。特斯拉即将推出的下一代平台汽车预计将于2025年下半年上市,它很可能会进入这一细分市场。预计在2027年左右推出的Rivian R3似乎也瞄准了这一细分市场。日本和西方的传统汽车原始设备制造商可能将在2027年左右开始生产小型经济型电动掀背车,届时电池的成本将会降低,供应链将更加成熟,生产成本也将比现在低得多。
Japanese don't have an income increase for 30-40 years now. If people still remember Japanese tourists visited all the countries with high end cameras, that has been a history. A long gone history.日本人的收入已经有30-40年没有增加了。或许人们还记得日本游客带着高端相机访问所有国家的情景,但那已经成为历史,一段久远的历史了。
You cannot sell EVs without charge infrastructure. People will only buy cars when they ready to change & if its second hand there will not be many options If the govt is not pushing it then maybe the people are not. Most people only need one day of rang so a PHEV would work for them.缺乏充电基础设施,就无法销售电动汽车,人们只有在准备换车时才会买车。如果是二手车,就不会有太多选择。如果政府不推动,那么也许人们不会购买电动汽车。大多数人只需要一天的续航时间,因此插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)对他们来说是可行的。
I live in Japan and can attest that the selection of EVs is absolutely terrible. I’d love to grab a BYD or Hyundai, but they’re joint ventures and I have no way of knowing if I’ll have support going into the future. A lot of car companies dip their toe into the water in Japan and then leave. I’d love a domestic EV, but they aren’t making them and they’re constantly telling Japanese people that they’re bad. Very frustrating我生活在日本,我可以证明电动汽车的选择绝对是糟糕透顶。我很想买一辆比亚迪或现代的汽车,但它们都是合资企业,我不知道未来是否会有售后支持。很多汽车公司在涉足日本市场后就离开了。虽然我很想买一辆国产电动车,但它们并不生产,还不断告诉日本人电动车很糟糕。这种情况非常令人沮丧。
The USA is in the same boat as you, Nothing to buy worth a shit here either, just tanks and high price rigs. I wish and that is the only thing we can do here. That they would build something small for the urban environment. I just need something to get around town cheaply at a reasonable price point. So far its my electric bike that I have for cheap transportation. I guess you can't get everything you want in the USA just what they want to sell you.美国的情况和你们一样,这里也没有什么值得买,只有肌肉车和高价的卡车。我希望(这也是我们在这里唯一能做的事情)它们能制造一些适合城市环境的小型车,我只需要一些价格合理、能在城里便宜地代步的东西。但到目前为止,我只能用电动自行车作为廉价的交通工具。我想,在美国你不可能得到你想要的一切,你能得到的只有他们想卖给你的东西。
@fatdoi003 I just don’t know if they can hold out in Japan. If I have the details right, it’s not actually BYD but a separate, affiliated importer using their name in Japan. If things don’t go well, they might leave. Japanese people are constantly bombarded with anti-EV propaganda and anti-China propaganda. They’re also fiercely loyal to Japanese brands (despite Japanese brands crapping on that loyalty when the yen is cheap). It’s tough for outside brands to make it here. Doubly so if that brand is Chinese.@fatdoi003 我只是不知道他们能否在日本坚持下去。如果我没记错的话,在日本使用比亚迪名称的其实不是比亚迪本身,而是一家独立的附属进口商。如果进展不顺利,他们可能会离开。日本人经常受到反电动汽车宣传和反|华宣传的轰炸,他们对日本品牌的忠诚度也很高(尽管日元贬值时,日本品牌会践踏这种忠诚度)。外来的品牌很难在这里立足,如果该品牌是中国品牌则更是如此。
@jonathanfields4ever BYD here in Aust also by an importer.... And now it's 2nd best EV brand here under 2 years... If course first adapters always risky but I don't think BYD will leave their customers high n dry@jonathanfields4ever 比亚迪在澳大利亚也是由进口商销售的....现在,它在两年内成为了澳大利亚第二大电动车品牌...当然,第一次吃螃蟹总是有风险的,但我不认为比亚迪会让他们的客户担忧。
they might have an agreement with china to not tariff each other's cars. Japan sells alot of ICE vehicles to china which it doesn't want to lose.它们可能与中国达成了不对对方的汽车征收关税的协议,因为日本向中国出售了大量的内燃机汽车,它不想失去这些汽车的市场份额。
Consumers all over the world in general vote with their wallets. Politicians can strike up all kinds of nationalistic fever, but usually it's just all empty emotional bluster. People all over the world want a great deal in things they want to buy. It doesn't matter where the things are made as long as they are made of good quality at a low price. Patriotism is never a big factor in consumerism. Economists understand this. We need to get rid of politicians standing in the way of consumers who want to get great values for their hard earn money.全世界的消费者普遍会用钱包投票。虽然政客们可以掀起各种各样的民族主义狂热,但通常都只是空洞的虚张声势,因为全世界的人们都想买到他们想要的东西。只要物美价廉,在哪里生产并不重要。爱国主义从来不是消费主义的重要因素,经济学家明白这一点。我们需要摆脱政客的阻挠,让消费者自己辛苦赚来的钱发挥出更大的价值。
It is interesting to see what happens in the next few years, if the price of BYD getting better in Japan, the number might increase a lot, with over one million Chinese living in Japan - the largest foreign residents, even a small percentage buying Chinese cars, that will be a lot of sales.看看未来几年会发生什么会很有趣。如果比亚迪在日本提供的价格越来越好,那么这个数字可能会增加很多,因为在日本生活的中国人超过100万,他们是日本最大的外国居民群体,即使只有一小部分人购买中国汽车,也会有一个很大的销售额。
Even the ice car of Japan nowadays is not as good quality as 20 years ago. You can look at the Toyota Camry 20 years ago. But now you look at the Subaru XV 10 years later, the Mazda 3 5 years ago, really bad in the car body, engine gear boxes are bad. Leaking oil, weak body, touch screen broken after a few years using it. On the other hand, you can look at the LDV SUV or Van and UTE 5 years ago and how they are right now is still very good in quality. My car was XV, my friends too, all having leaking oil problems after 3 years and screen problems too. I don't think Japanese cars are good nowadays.即使是现在的日本燃油车,其质量也不如20年前。你可以看看20年前的丰田凯美瑞,然后再看看10年前的斯巴鲁XV,5年前的马自达3,你会发现车身真的很糟糕,发动机变速箱也很差,漏油、车身薄弱、触摸屏用了几年就坏了。而另一方面,你可以看看5年前的LDV SUV或Van和UTE,它们现在的质量依然很不错。我的车是XV,我朋友的也是,它们3年后都出现了漏油问题,屏幕也有问题。我不认为现在的日本车是好车。
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关键字:比亚迪,比亚迪日本 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员