

字号: A-AA+ 2023-02-25 03:25:33

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Tesla sends hundreds of Shanghai production staff to Freemont


特斯拉将派出包括自动化和控制工程师在内的员工帮助弗里蒙特工厂提高产量,这里主要生产Model S、X和Y车型。





I live in the US. I think it’s a great idea for the crew who did the upgrade to the line in China to come over and do the upgrade here. It might even light a fire under the Fremont crew. From what I hear the Chinese cars are well built.


amit duwal
A slap in the face to the people that think China is just a low cost labor force.
Their engineering talent in manufacturing is the best in the world..


The RODfather916
It's fascinating seeing the changes at the Fremont factory. My older brother was one of the original team to work in that plant when the assemply plant moved from East Oakland to Fremont in the sixities. Every year, General Motors would have a picnic for their employees and their families at the Fremont plant during the model year change over.  He was laid off in the 80's after GM entered into a joint venture withToyota  He eventually transferred to a GM plant in Kansas City, where  he worked through his seventies and retired after working for General Motors for 55 years. The building is nearly sixty years old and I'm curious what the old girl looks like inside.

看到弗里蒙特工厂的变化真是令人着迷。当组装工厂在上世纪60 年代从东奥克兰搬到弗里蒙特时,我的哥哥是最初在该工厂工作的团队成员之一。每年,通用汽车公司都会在车型换代年度为其员工及其家人在弗里蒙特工厂举行野餐。上世纪80年代,在通用汽车与丰田合资后,他被解雇了。他最终转到了堪萨斯城的通用汽车工厂并在那里工作到70多岁,他在通用汽车工作了55年后直到退休。这座工厂的建筑有将近60年历史了,我很好奇里面现在变成了什么样子。

I saw a video of Tesla after Tesla coming from the Shanghai factory to the parking lot. Then, I see them drive to the freighters. With FSD enabled and a fully mapped route, I wonder what they would save on efficiency and drivers! I think that would lower costs and maybe even be reflected in the price!


Matt K
The only part I disagree with is that i don't expect Tesla to lower the price after retooling Freemont. I think so because the competition for EVs in US market is abysmally and demand is high (for Tesla or any other EVs) which will allow Tesla to make even higher margin and perhaps not raise prices.


Jeremiah Cook
That headline reminds me of the plot to the 1986 film Gung Ho, except the workers brought over were from Japan.



No Left Turns
Kanban is a popular Lean workflow management method for defining, managing and improving services that deliver knowledge work. It helps you visualize work, maximize efficiency, and improve continuously. Work is represented on Kanban boards, allowing you to optimize work delivery across multiple teams and handle even the most complex projects in a single environment.
That's what Industrial Engineers call it - Kanban. The Japanese word “kanban”, meaning “visual board”
Toyota invented it from a guy from the USA.


这就是工业工程师所说的“看板”。日语单词“看板”(kanban),意思是“视觉板”(visual board)。


those chinese will be shocked at how laid back american workers are every day. when they return to shanghai, they may learn something from their american peers.


S Sing
Would be better to send them to Austin.. Austin has more potential and needs to get sprinting
Yea Fremont has higher margins with X / S. I still believe better to throw them on Austin line and show them how it’s done in Shanghai..


是的,虽然弗里蒙特生产的MODEL X/S的利润率更高,但我仍然认为最好把他们送到奥斯汀的生产线上,并向那里的员工展示他们在上海是如何做到的。

Well, I feel bad to say this, but all the great nations were founded on hardworking people. For the USA, it was by the WASP, the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Sure they enslaved the blacks for a very long time, but they WASP were and still are hardworking people. For China, well we all know how hardworking the Chinese are. Technologies change over time, and people's income increases over time, but hardworking ethics should be kept.


Be Kind
If Tesla can successfully pull this off it’ll be amazing. So many hurdles to jump through including china allowing their people to leave their country.


Alex Tang
Come on, looks like you still have those cold war times mentality. Before the pandemic, Chinese tourist over 100+ millions  traveled all over the world without restriction from their government !!


J Zeng
It is a near-perfect combination of American design, development and sales with Chinese manufacturing and parts supply. In fact, this model has worked well for many years. For example, Apple has become the world's most valuable company and is inseparable from Chinese manufacturing. China used to be an ideological supremacy country, but now China's ideology has long been replaced by trade and economic development. Instead, America's so-called liberal democratic ideology determines its military and economic course. No country in the manufacturing industry can compete with China in terms of scale, logistics, industrial chain support, and operations. The most important thing is that China can. Provide skilled, disciplined, hard-working, best-quality, relatively inexpensive industrial workers. The decoupling of China and the United States will be a loss for both sides.


John B
Dang, sending China techs to increase American quality... sigh.  As long as it works!


Uber Menschen
The work ethic at the Shanghai factory cannot transfer to Fremont factory. American workers are over rated.


We all know Chinese worker are more efficiency than US otherwise they weren't reached top2 economic within 10yrs...elon is immigran he will be turns the US as communist.


Ash Berger
How many years now have we been hearing people say the price of teslas cars and other products will come down. The reality is we keep hearing excuses why they keep going up. My prediction is that the next excuse will be ".... in real terms the price has come because inflation is running at 10% and Tesla has only increased it's prices by 5%....." Tesla is a public company its shareholders demand the rate of annual profits to increase y/y. Tesla prices will only start to come down when a competitor makes a better product at a cheaper price and that could be a long time into if Tesla keeps on innovating into the future.


This one actually does make sense. Demand has fallen off a cliff in China, and Elon cannot just lay them off because of optics.  He is hoping many of them will simply refuse to move and quit on their own.  Of those who do decide to move will find themselves in a game of musical chairs, because make no mistake...demand for Tesla's has also fallen off a cliff in the US.  These are pretty standard big corporate tactics to thin the heard.


Tomas Thomas
Free88, I don't know where you are getting your info from, but I don't see a slowdown at the sales/order books for China. Tesla supplies most of the world, export wise from China, except Taiwan, which is supplied from the USA. Right now there are 7 ships with approx 14k Tesla cars headed for Europe from China. That makes the production numbers close to delivery numbers in China. There is a car freighter ship in the bay area loading up as planned. Tesla from Texas is shipping MY and M3 cars to Mexico and northern Latin America.

@Free88,我不知道你是从哪里得到信息的,但我没有看到中国的销售/订单有所放缓。特斯拉从中国的出口供应了世界大部分地区(台湾地区除外,台湾地区由美国供应)。目前,有7艘能够装载14000辆汽车的从中国驶往欧洲的船,这使得在中国的生产数量接近交付数量。湾区有一艘汽车货轮正在按计划装货,来自德克萨斯州的特斯拉汽车正在向墨西哥和拉丁美洲北部运送MODEL Y和MODEL 3汽车。



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关键字:特斯拉,中国工程师和工人援助美国加州弗里蒙特工厂 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员