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油管热议东盟第一条高铁开通!!印尼雅万高铁正式投入运营,有人对成本有意见,被网友以事实说服本文译自Youtube,原标题:ASEAN's first! The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, built by China, put into operation@kumpromisbyatty.graceqb5451Beautiful! It would be wonderful if we in the Philippines would also have one of those to connect our major cities in the major islands to facilitate the employment of many young people and distribute the population and avoid overcrowding in urban centers. It will also encourage the distribution of businesses throughout the country.漂亮!!如果我们菲律宾也能拥有一个连接我们主要岛屿的主要城市,为许多年轻人的就业提供便利并分配人口以避免城市中心过度拥挤的铁路网,那将是一件美妙的事情。它还将促进企业在全国范围内进行布局。Don't worry bro. Your government is ordering trains made in Indonesia to modernize trains in the Philippines. The next step will definitely be making fast trains.别担心,兄弟。贵国政府正在订购印尼制造的火车以对菲律宾的火车进行现代化改造,下一步肯定是制造快速列车。If only your president Bongbong isn't so busy licking Biden's shoes, you can also have the kind of progress that Indonesia has now.如果你们的Bongbong总统(译注:菲律宾现总统小费迪南德·马科斯)不那么忙于讨好拜登,你们也可以取得印尼现在的进步。But, but, but then your president' mother can notbuy another 3,000 pairs of shoes.But, but, but the Filipinos females can make a lot moneyfrom the 4 US new military bases.但是,但是,但是你们总统的母亲再也买不了3000双鞋了(译注:菲律宾现总统的母亲是前菲律宾总统夫人伊梅尔达,此人穷奢极欲,据说逃跑时留下了5000条裙子,3000双鞋和100公斤珠宝等)。但是,但是,但是菲律宾人的女性可以从4个美国的新军事基地赚很多钱。Next Indonesia will build HSR its self there will connect bandung to Surabaya. Thank China for transfer technology to your old brother. Thank you maisin has come to Nusantara million year a go下一步,印尼将自行修建连接万隆和泗水的高铁,感谢中国向你们的老兄弟转让技术。If japan build indonesia with shinkanzen tech. They would have max speed 600km/h如果日本用新干线的技术建造印尼高铁,它们的最高速度将达到600公里/小时。If japan build it, it wouldn't be finished in the next 10 years even.Just look at india. They asked japan to build their high speed trains but until today it still doesn't exist.看看印度就知道了,它们要求日本为它们建造高速列车,但直到今天它仍然不存在。At 20 bucks a ticket it will take 365 Million Riders just to pay back the Capital Cost of Construction. Then there are Operational and Maintenance Expenses. Most Indonesians cannot afford the 20 USD ticket. The Line will always run at a loss. That 7.3 Billion USD would have been better spent sending 1 Million Indonesians to University to become Nurses and Engineers.按每张票 20 美元计算,仅偿还建设的资本成本就需要3.65亿人/次乘客,这还不包括运营和维护的费用。大多数印尼人买不起20美元的车票,该线路将永远处于亏损状态。这73亿美元本可以更好地用于将100万印尼人送往大学并使其成为护士和工程师。road, bridge ect cost so much to build make zero $$, why build them?道路、桥梁等的建造成本如此之高却一分钱的效益都没有,为什么还要建造它们呢?Did you calculate the waste of fuel in our 8 lane toll roads with traffic jam nearly 18 hours per day ?你算过我们8车道收费公路每天堵车近18个小时造成的燃油浪费吗?the traffic jam between these 2 mega cities is costing a waste of USD 2 Billions per year and in Java islands we have huge capacity for renewables energy ( hydro, geothermal, solar, wind and soon ocean waves as well as biomass from 170 million people living in Java island 40 million people ( mid to high income earners) , can afford 20 USD per trip这两个特大城市之间的交通堵塞每年会造成20亿美元的浪费,而在爪哇岛,我们有巨大的可再生能源(水力、地热、太阳能、风能和即将到来的海浪以及来自爪哇岛1.7亿人产生的生物质。爪哇岛有4000万(中高收入者),他们负担得起每次旅行20美元的车票。I am disappointed with this project, because this fast train does not reach Bandung city center and that is very disappointing. the project also incurred huge debts. PLEASE do not be overproud to this project.我对这个项目感到失望,因为这列快速列车无法到达万隆市中心,这非常令人失望。该项目还产生了巨额债务,请不要对这个项目感到过度自豪。@wongapak8432 susah pembebasan lahannya bro kan pusat kota bandung udah dipenuh perumahan sedangkan kalau stasiun Bandung itu memang udah ada dari zaman Belanda yang emang zaman itu masih banyak hutan拿地很难啊兄弟,万隆市中心已经布满了房屋,而万隆车站从荷兰时代就在那里了,那时候那里还有很多森林。油管热议印尼雅万高铁通车,网友为美国担心:中国满世界搞建设,美国怎么能够说服这些国家牺牲自己并为美国击败中国呢?本文译自Youtube,原标题:Mega World: Jakarta-Bandung High-speed RailI'm glad and proud as Indonesian that now we have KERETA CEPAT [ HSR ]Hopefully as soon the government will realize to extend the HSR to another city in Indonesia as possible作为印尼人,我很高兴也很自豪,因为现在我们有了KERETA CEPAT [高铁] 了。One day, Indonesia's high speed rail will link to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China via undersea tunnels from Java to Sumatra to Riau Islands then to Singapore ....may even link all the way to Bali.... the sea separation between UK to France is much wider than the Singapore Strait and Eurostar has been in operation for many years....nothing is impossible总有一天,印尼的高铁将通过海底隧道连接新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、老挝、越南和中国,从爪哇到苏门答腊,再到廖内群岛,再到新加坡...甚至可能一直连接到巴厘岛...英国和法国之间的海峡比新加坡海峡宽得多,但欧洲之星已经运营多年了...没有什么是不可能的。Yes, connecting all ASEAN together. Stronger ASEAN, more able to face the pressure from imperialist murican and its imf stooge没错,将整个东盟连接在一起,东盟将更强大,更能面对来自美帝国主义及其傀儡国际货币基金组织的压力。@gagassurya19 Sooner than you think....ASEAN trade with China has rising from US$20 billion in 2000 to more than US$900 billion now and economy in ASEAN will exceed EU in 20 years.... Century of Asia has arrived比你想象的要快...东盟与中国的贸易额已从2000年的200亿美元增长到现在的9000多亿美元,20年后东盟的经济规模将超过欧盟...亚洲世纪已经到来。@capekhidup2112 tong belajar apa itu GDP PPP ( kemampuan beli masyarakat ) kita itu udah USD 4.5 Trilyun ( No 7 di Dunia) diatas Perancis, UK, Italia Dan Spain , Korsel juga dam tentunya ASEAN atau setara usd 11,500 per capita我们的GDP(购买力平价)已经达到4.5万亿美元(世界第七),高于法国、英国、意大利、西班牙、韩国,当然还有东盟,这相当于人均11,500美元。请知悉。GDP PPP ASEAN in 2023 is higher than India ( with less than half of India population ( no 4 in the world after China, USA, EU ) by 2045 it will be China, India, USA , ASEAN and EU 6:142023年人口不到印度一半的东盟的GDP(购买力平价)高于印度(仅次于中国、美国、欧盟,位居世界第四),到2045年的世界排名将是中国、印度、美国、东盟和欧盟。When the US visits a country in Asia, Africa or South America, I automatically assume in their thinking: "How are we going to convince those countries to sacrifice themselves and beat China FOR ME?" ���当美国人访问亚洲、非洲或南美洲的某个国家时,我会自然而然地在他们的脑海中假设:“我们要如何说服这些国家牺牲自己并为我击败中国呢?”[笑哭]I can't think a better words of western hipocrisy than this, good thinkingMeskipun china banyak dibilang negara yang curang, tetapi tetap saja lebih merasa dekat dengan cina, dari kesamaan fisik,budaya,dan makanan tidak asing.尽管中国经常被说成是一个作弊的国家,但无论是在外貌、文化还是熟悉的食物方面,印尼都感觉与中国更接近。yang bilang curang itu cuma orang yg ga tau China yang sebenarnya kyk gimana, atau media barat yang sengaja mencemarkan nama China. Yang pernah/sering ke China tau nyata negara itu seperti apa.说作弊的都是些不知道中国到底是什么样的人,或者是西方媒体故意在诽谤中国。去过/经常去中国的人都知道这个国家到底是什么样的。Sejarah jg, sejak jaman Majapahit byk kerajaan di di negri ini sdh brdagang dgn bnyk kerajaan di China在历史上也是如此,自满者伯夷时代(译注:公元13世纪初期在印度尼西亚爪哇岛建立的一个封建王朝)以来,这个国家的许多政府都曾与中国的许多政府进行过贸易。Snake like design of bullet train and a minimum airflow resistance (a good aerodynamics) around train makes train high speed possible.Japan has also made such like trains, east nation think like same. good work.子弹头列车的蛇形设计和列车周围最小的气流阻力(良好的空气动力学)使得列车高速行驶成为可能。日本也制造了类似的火车,东方国家的想法都差不多。干得好。
1. 网址:www.skyfall.ink
2. 樱落网APP(推荐,只有5M,不占空间,速度极快,也不需要任何权限,试过才知道有多方便)

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关键字:雅万高铁,雅万铁路,雅万高铁通车,印尼雅万高铁,中国建设雅万高铁,中国高铁,高铁海外 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员