

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-17 01:30:54

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本文译自Youtube,原标题:Why Germany Should Worry About China’s EV Expansion

With its electric cars set to power ahead into the European market does the future of e-mobility belong to China? With brands like Nio and BYD, China already have shown they are a power in the EV market, So what can legacy brands like VW and rival Tesla do to compete?


Germans admit that China is in the leading position in electric vehicles, and China has made great progress in the automobile industry.


It's interesting to see DW using negative narratives to describe China once again.
when it comes to China, the negative word "invasion" must be used instead of the neutral word "expansion" “booming”
Don't you forget Germany is the largest exporter in Automobile industry for many years?
According to your logic, Germany has been the largest invader for many years, hasn't it?


If you watch the video, you’ll see its quite positive above the Chinese EV market, and why Germany and legacy brands should be worried. BYD NIO are looking strong in Europe


You seeing it as negative is a reflection of your biases, not DW's. It shows that Germany is taking the China seriously as a competitor in the automotive industry. The British and the Americans didn't take the Germans and Japanese seriously 50-60 years ago and look at the state of their industries now.


You forgot to mention that many of them have got 5 star NCAP safety ratings as well


Hard work finally pays off, kudos to them. And it's the proof that cars are way overpriced in Europe.


German cars saled in China for more than 20 years .Chinese people didnt take it as a invasion though.


Used to be a joke of the world, made-in-China products, including EVs, have evolved and fast-forwarded to the present leading positions. German cars, on the other hand, remain strong in ICE vehicles, but are losing out to Chinese EVs. How things have changed so fast!


blame the European media please, for example this DW, never see positive news about China which may make people feels better, but also make people ignore/forget the competitions and its development. The media thought bad news would make people hate China, yes it is, but it would not stop China doing things.
I guess if it is not the political thing, Chinese EVs would have a rather high market rate here in Europe. Since it is rather cheep in China with a descent quality(biggest EV market, millions of users, it already over tested by Chinese buyers), it could be rather cheap here in Europe, but now it is more than double the price compare to what it is in China.



The BYD Atto 3 is the 2nd best-selling vehicle in Australia with Tesla's vehicles take top spot here.
In 2023, the BYD Atto 3 will be joined in early 2023 by the BYD Dolphin, followed by a 3rd quarter release of the BYD Seal sedan.
Early in 2023, in Australia, we will see the MG4 go on sale and the Ora cat as well. The Cupra Born will arrive in April, but there is no sign of any VW electric vehicles arriving in the first half of 2023, probably due to global supply issues.

比亚迪Atto 3(译注:即比亚迪“元”)是澳大利亚第二畅销的汽车,位居榜首的是特斯拉。

2023年初,比亚迪的海豚车型将加入Atto 3的行列,随后它们将在第三季度发布比亚迪海豹(BYD Seal)轿车。

2023年初,在澳大利亚我们将看到MG4和欧拉猫(the Ora cat,不知道是什么猫)的上市。Cupra Born将于4月上市,但由于全球供应问题,2023年上半年没有任何大众的电动汽车上市的迹象。

10:54 The Chinese e-car "offensive" shouldn't be a cause for alarm just as VW's former expansion across the world wasn't considered a "cause for alarm"!


It is somehow disturbing, and hence, alarm, for covert imperialists and/or racists, that it wasn't from USA, EU, Japan, or Australia.������


Even Toyota gave up competing with the Chinese saying it will focus on IC cars for now ��� Toyota will likely be like Sony in the future.


You can ban NIO on national security grounds like US banned Huawei. If you can't compete, ban it.


I went to Hangzhou, China in 2016 and all their scooters and buses were EV.


DW is such a US minion channel that it does not "remember" that Tesla is the best seller foreign EV cars, by far. ���


Now being made in China.


Tesla models use lithium batteries made by BYD. That's not a secret. In other words BYD ''controls'' a key factor in the production of Tesla models.


@axelaaronccasanihuachua9073  . Factually incorrect to say that LF battery technology is used in BYD batteries in the last few years. Tesla is purchasing Sodium- Phosphate "Blade" batteries from BYD since last year.

说近几年比亚迪电池用的是LF电池技术其实是不正确的,特斯拉从去年开始就从比亚迪采购磷酸钠(Sodium- Phosphate)“刀片”电池。

European cars have enjoyed the Chinese market for more than three to four decades. In the recent decades, European car manufacturers also exploit low cost manufacturing facilities and labour costs. When Japanese and Korean cars went to global markets, European politicians and manufacturers did not like it and laughed at them as low quality cars. Now, Chinese electric cars come to the European markets with equal or better value-cost ratio, then European politicians and carmakers said invasion from Chinese electric cars. They forgot their earlier ’invasion’ of the Chinese market with their cars. Consumers from both sides enjoy reciprocal trade - that is called free trade.


why not? We have endured twenty years of German and Japanese arrogance, overpriced cars


Arrogance? What? We just treat them like any other market and even make some versions exclusively for China, where’s the arrogance?


@matic8255 You can look at VW's crash test results, IIHS in the US and CIRI in China, their testing standards are basically the same. Last year's Passat test, which was an A grade in the US, had the worst score in China's history (more than double the second to last) because of jerry-built materials. Not only the Passat, but also  Tiguan and so on.
If this is not arrogance, what is?



@Robbert_nl The only thing I understand is that for me as an engineering graduate it is providing more jobs. In the past, R&D engineering jobs were created in Germany or Japan, but now we have more R&D jobs for ourselves because of the preference of our peers to buy Chinese brand cars.


@matic8255 There is a small story. China is treated differently because of the Samsung note7. The current Samsung phone market share in China is probably less than 1%. I don't know where all this arrogance comes from, but I can choose not to buy the product.



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关键字:电动汽车,比亚迪 专题:中国制造责任编辑:管理员