字号: A-AA+
2023-01-19 05:57:16

藏南地区无护照男子花费一周徒步至中国境内,中国边境小镇的繁华程度令印度东北地区人民感到震惊Actually we dont need passport to enter china..And I hope Chinese people think the same abt usI am really curious what Arunachalee really feel after they get to know how much subsidy money the Tibetans in China can get from the government every year. I don’t see what is wrong to choose a country that people can live in clean modern cities with higher wage, longer lifespan, and better life quality if given the chance to obtain the citizenship especially when it’s extremely difficult to get one if you are from non-disputed parts of India.我真的很好奇当阿鲁纳恰尔人在了解到中国的藏人每年能从政府获得多少补贴后他们的真实感受。如果有机会获得公民身份,我不认为选择一个人们可以生活在干净的现代城市、工资更高、寿命更长、生活质量更好的国家有什么错,尤其是当你获得公民身份极其困难而你来自印度没有争议的地区的时候。
Oceanus Procellarum yes you can say that, brainwashing works. Arunachal is like a child abandoned by his Parents China and who grew up with his step parents IndiaUnlike other sino-Tibetan people in mainland China we didn’t have any contact mainstream Chinese civilianisation and culture because we lived in isolated mountainous areas. Also we couldn’t develop a strong civilisation and culture of our own because geography of our region is mountainous not fit for settled agriculture that is required for civilisation to flourish, so we lived in primitive hunter gatherer lifestyle.British were the first foreigners we came in contact with and then came the Indians after India got independence. Indians brought their language, their culture and politics and since we didn’t have a strong or developed culture of our own, Indian culture dominated our primitive culture.But still all is not that bad , I don’t people here hate China, only the politicians do. Many people are indeed curious about China and some think we would be better off with China.是的,你可以这么说,洗|脑是有效的。阿鲁纳恰尔邦就像一个被它的中国父母遗弃,与继父母印度一起长大的孩子。与中国大陆的其他汉藏民族不同,我们没有接触到中国的主流文明和文化,因为我们生活在偏远的山区。此外,我们也无法发展出自己强大的文明和文化,因为我们所处的地理位置多山,不适合文明繁荣所需的定居农业,所以我们过着原始的狩猎-采集的生活方式。英国人是我们接触的第一批外国人,然后是印度独立后的印度人。印度人带来了他们的语言、文化和政治,由于我们自己没有强大或发达的文化,所以印度文化主宰了我们的原始文化。但一切还没那么糟,我们这里的人不讨厌|中国,只有政客们讨厌。许多人确实对中国感到好奇,有些人认为我们和中国在一起会更好。
Honestly, sometimes i feel will be better off with china. I have personally seen the lhoba people aka tani people. They live quite comfortably and they have a different definition of democracy there and are protected.This comes after me facing lots and lots of discrimination in mainland india. Just imagine, generation to generation we will face this same discrimination in india. Even when we go for a walk,or to a shop ,the mainland Indians won't stop calling us Nepali,chinki,momo, whatever.If there's a plebiscite or something,i would definitely agree with china老实说,有时我觉得在中国生活会更好。我亲眼见过珞巴人,也就是塔尼人(aka tani people)。他们生活得相当舒适,中国对民主有不同的定义并受到保护。这是在我在印度大陆面临了大量的歧视之后发生的。试想一下,我们一代又一代人都将在印度面临同样的歧视,即使我们去散步或者去商店,印度大陆人也不会停止称呼我们为尼泊尔佬、中国佬、momo等等。