

字号: A-AA+ 2023-01-18 04:11:44
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本文译自Quora,原标题:China’s Shenzhou 15 astronauts arrive at Tiangong Space Station on historic mission

A fresh crew of three Chinese astronauts have joined three others on the Tiangong Space Station, after their Shenzhou 15 spacecraft arrived ahead of the first in-orbit crew rotation in Chinese space history. The mission was also a milestone for Tiangong, which will be the second permanently inhabited outpost in space along with the International Space Station (ISS), led by US space agency Nasa. US lawmakers excluded China from ISS missions in 2011 over concerns about national security.
在中国航天史上首次在轨人员轮换之前,神舟15号飞船抵达天宫空间站,由三名中国航天员组成的新一批航天员在天宫空间站与另外三名航天员会合。此次任务也是天宫空间站的一个里程碑,天宫将成为继美国宇航局领导的国际空间站 (ISS) 之后第二个能够永久居住的太空前哨基地。由于担心国家安全,美国的立法者在2011年将中国排除在国际空间站任务之外。


Congratulations to China’s hángtiānyuán on there missions. Wishing them success n safe return. Jia you to my motherland China. From Malaysian Chinese.


I don’t think another country can replicate what China has accomplished in such a short time.


China: We have a history of ten thousand years
We have accomplished so much in such a short period of time


US and USSR accomplished those shorter time period than China did (from first maned flight to space station).


I don't think he was just talking about space station but all aspects of development, including infrastructure, economy, living standards, raising most people ever in shortest time from poverty, etc. No country has risen as fast from nothing to richest superpower, and even better, no one did it peacefully and all from hard work!


bro they literally pioneered space exploration they had to invent technology and use old technologies to achieve where they are now, even you are using NASA and USSR invention during the cold war/space race in your day to day life, don't be ignorant


as a Chinese from China, I can tell you guys this China's space program is NOT a competition with no one. We simplely are working on a plan started in 1950s. if you ever read Chinese, we never treated NASA as a competitor or thread. of course there are social media content makers made aggressive videos but that is not really true. We are just doing our own thing. so we don't really care whether we did better or not than others. as a normal Chinese, however, i m proud of what our country did.


US lawmakers banned China from collaborating with the US space agency in 2011
China: Is ok, we'll make our own space station!


They should do that to every country then the country will create their own and technology will expand


I cant even imagine the face of all those US law makers after seeing much better space station finished less than 2 year���


The moral of the story is :’ when someone bullying you at school, you will find a way to make yourself stronger’.


So proud, I can also see how proud the taikonauts are when they say their name and salute. China has come so far so fast, it is unbelievable. Seeing is believing. Otherwise no one would think china's speed of rise is ever possible. China has opened the eyes of the world and especially India. Hopefully indians are not jealous or hateful china developed so fast while they are so slow.. hopefully they and rest of global south are inspired and learn from china. This is what humanity is capable of when you have unity of 1.4 billion people and a competent government working purely for the people and country!


Indians probably feel the same about China as Chinese people felt about Japan and USA in the 1980s: "How come they are so rich and developed and we are not?" I think all developing countries go through this phase. We all develop at different times and speeds.


Salute China for the successful taikonauts mission to Space station. Delighted to see the taikonauts mission 14 welcoming on board the 3 crew members of mission 15. As an overseas Chinese I am proud of China Space programme without any help from other super power. China is using the Space Programme to do research in many fields that can contribute to world peace,  help fight diseases, save climate change by employing advanced green technology etc.
Hope China can do research in outer space on advanced chips technology and don't be held ransom by US on Chips4 alliance.



Astronaut Deng Qingming prepared for this moment for 24 years and 10 months.


It’s great that they’re able to achieve this, congratulations to the scientists and all those involved.
Don’t like the 1940s German style yelling militarism though.



I think its awesome. It exudes might to their endeavor.


This meant another gigantic rocket debris is potentially going to fall uncontrollably out of the sky and hit some random place on earth.


It will be awesome if that debris directly hit Pentagon or White House ������


More people in space, mean the day we can colonized the moon are closer. Can't wait for Humanity to make another great step again.


Same thing will happen to semi conductors, China will built even more advance chips in very short period...


China should now try for Mars...before Elon Musk..Seeing rapid advancement of Chinese space program...best wishes from India.���


I believe China should explore the Moon first, Mars is not urgent at all.


@kamome3813  The Moon is not useless at all, it has an abundant supply of useful minerals, including the rare helium-3 gas.  Exploring the Moon is also much less dangerous and risky these days and more cost effective.


Today (November 30th, 2022) there are currently 13 humans in space: 6 chinese , 3 americans, 3 russians and 1 Japanese


Chinese������ space station Tianhe is a low-quality copycat of the abandoned Russian Mir space station.
- Tianhe is only 1/5 of ISS size and lasts only 10 years, a third of ISS lifespan.
Space stations are out of date and its usefulness.




关键字:神州15号,中国航天 专题:科技责任编辑:管理员